138 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
unlikely for them to obtain, that unless relieved by a particular Act,
to be passed in their Favour, which, by their said Petitions, they have
humbly prayed, that they must inevitably continue Prisoners for
Life; and for that the Truth of the said Petitioners Allegations is
made appear to this General Assembly, and that the said Petitioners
are fit Objects of Charity, and that their lying in Goal can be no
Advantage to their Creditors: It is humbly prayed that the said
Petitioners may be relieved according to their Prayers, and that it
may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
to be dis-
charged on
delivering up
their Effects,
on Oath.]
of the same, That unless all or any of the Creditors of the said
Thomas Gay, George Benson, James Horn, Alexander Macmullen,
Thomas Webb, John Bateman, William Matherly, Pearce Tracey,
John Barnat, Bigger Head, Jacob Tracey, Thomas Thomson, James
Fanning, Thomas Cloak, Edmund Low, Charles Mooney, Nicholas
Seymore, Nathaniel Wright, John Talbot, senior, Abraham Nivisson,
p. 328
and Nicholas Dawson, or the Creditor or Creditors of any or either
of them, or the Attorney or Attorneys of such Creditor or Creditors
aforesaid, within this Province, go to the Sheriffs of the Counties
of Worcester, Anne-Arundel, Frederick, Queen-Anne's, Baltimore,
Saint Mary's, and Prince George's, within Ten Days next after the
End of this Session of Assembly, and give good and sufficient
Security to pay the Imprisonment Fees, as settled by Law, that shall
or may become due from the said Prisoners respectively after the
End of the said Ten Days, and also find the said Prisoners sufficient
Meat, Drink, and Cloathing, during their future Imprisonment;
and in Case they the said Prisoners shall deliver up and surrender,
or cause to be delivered up and surrendered, to the Sheriffs of the
Counties aforesaid, in the Presence of Two Justices of the Peace
of the Counties aforesaid, whom the said Sheriffs are hereby
required to summon, on the Request of the said Prisoners, at some
convenient Time after the Receipt of this Act, not exceeding Five
Days, all their Real and Personal Estate, either in Possession, Rever-
sion, Remainder, or in Trust, or in or unto which they have any
Claim or Interest whatsoever, and likewise before the Day before-
mentioned, convey, assign, transfer, and make over, unto the Sheriffs
of Worcester, Anne-Arundel, Frederick, Queen-Anne's, Baltimore,
Saint Mary's, and Prince-George's Counties, for the Use of the
said Creditors, all such their Estate, Interest, or Claim, as aforesaid,
after such Manner as by the said Sheriffs, and by the major Part
of such Creditors, or of such of them as shall think fit to direct
therein, or their Council learned in the Law shall reasonably devise
or require, at the Costs and Charges of the Persons as shall claim
Benefit thereof, so that the said Prisoners be not burthened with