Acts. 137
Ways and Means to enquire into the Truth of the Matters to be
deposed by Persons applying as aforesaid; any Thing herein before
contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
This Act to continue in Force for and during the Term of Three
Years from and after the End of this Session of Assembly.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
6th May 1757
On behalf of the Right
6th May 1757
Read and assented to
Honourable the Lord
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Proprietary of this Prov-
by the upper house of
ince I will this be a Law
Signed p order
Hor.o Sharpe
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
JRoss Cl Up Ho
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
No. 15
An Act for the Relief of certain languishing Prisoners, in the several
County Goals therein mentioned.
Whereas Thomas Gay, George Benson, James Horn, and Alex-
ander Macmullen, languishing Prisoners in Worcester County Goal ;
Thomas Webb, John Bateman, and William Matherly, languishing
Prisoners in Anne-Arundel County Goal; Pearce Tracey, John
Barnat, Bigger Head, Jacob Tracey, and Thomas Thomson, languish-
ing Prisoners in Frederick County Goal; James Fanning, Thomas
Cloak, Edmund Low, Charles Mooney, Nicholas Seymore, and
Nathaniel Wright, languishing Prisoners in Queen-Anne's County
Goal; John Talbot, senior, a languishing Prisoner in Baltimore
County Goal; Abraham Nivisson, a languishing Prisoner in Saint
Mary's County Goal; and Nicholas Dawson, a languishing Prisoner
in Prince-George's County Goal; by their Petitions to this present
General Assembly have set forth, That they have continued Prisoners
for Debt in the Custody of the Sheriffs of the several Counties
aforesaid, viz. Thomas Gay, George Benson, James Horn, and
Alexander Macmullen, in the Custody of the Sheriff of Worcester
County; Thomas Webb, John Bateman, and William Matherly, in
the Custody of the Sheriff of Anne-Arundel County; Pearce Tracey,
John Barnat, Bigger Head, Jacob Tracey, and Thomas Thomson,
in the Custody of the Sheriff of Frederick County; James Fanning,
Thomas Cloak, Edmund Low, Charles Mooney, Nicholas Seymore,
and Nathaniel Wright, in the Custody of the Sheriff of Queen-Anne's
County; John Talbot, senior, in the Custody of the Sheriff of Balti-
more County; Abraham Nivisson, in the Custody of the Sheriff of
Saint Mary's County; and Nicholas Dawson in the Custody of the
Sheriff of Prince-George's County; for a considerable Time past,
and still continue in the like deplorable Circumstances, not being able
to redeem their Bodies with all the Estate and Interest they have
in the World, which they would readily surrender up and part with
to their several and respective Creditors, if they would accept of the
same, and grant the said Petitioners their Liberty, which seems so
p. 327A