Volume 54, Page 553 View pdf image (33K) |
Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 553 haue a Nonsuit agst Edward Williams with his Cost or else Execu~ Liber BB tion for the same No. 2 The Courtt hath ordred that Robertt Williams Pay unto John [p.—] Pay this following accompt To a Non Sute 050 To Attorney fee 2 Courtts Attendance 120 To 2 Wittnes som 040 To Wittnes Attendance 120 to serueing the Writt 020 350 The Courtt hath ordred that Jno Scott Make good the high waics by the Midle of March Next According to Acte of Assembly George Robbins Plat In a Plea of Trespasse upon Case Edw Williams deff To the Worshipll Comisscofls of Talbott County the Humble Pett con of George Robbins Sheweth that upon the Sixth day of this Instant Edward Williams of Talbott County Came to the Tobacoe house of of him the said George Robbins and Brooke the said Locke from the dore of the said Tobacoe house and Three hhs of Tobacoe lying in the said house did torne Out of dores soe that Since it utterly Spoiled Yor Petticoñ humbly Besseches this Worshipll Courtt to Redress his Greeuance in this kind and that the said Edward Williams may Make sattifaccon for the said tobacoe and he shall pray The defft Edward Williams Plea that the Tobacoe house was his & tht he Tould Mrs Robbins of it & that they might haue taken Carre of it: Robert Marmaduke Age 25 yeares or there about Sworne and Examined in open Courtt Sait that yor depont went the Last Greate Snow to sarve his Master George Robbin his Cattle and When yor had unlockt the Tobcoe house house dore Edward Williams came and Called for an Axe and Broke of yor depont Masters locke of from the dore and Caryed the locke and key away But Since Edward Williams tould yor depont that he had torned yor deponts masters Tobacoe out of dore and sd he had Tould my Mistris Last Sunday and that there was three of it and further saith Not Robert Marmaduke Jame Smith aged about 26 yeares Beinge Sworne and Examined [p.—] in open Courtt Saith that Edward Williams Came To Mt Robins house and Tould Mistris Robbins tht he had torned the Tobacoe out of Dores and he Canie to Giue her Notis of it and further saith not |
Volume 54, Page 553 View pdf image (33K) |
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