Volume 54, Page 552 View pdf image (33K) |
552Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. Liber BB The Names of the Jurors Impanelled & Sworne No. 2 Rich: Royston Bartho: Taylor James Scott Sam: Winslow Jno Pawsson Hugh Sherwood Sam: Jefferson Rich: Guriling Henr Frith Rich: Pecocke Jno Slatter jn0 Swayne Thomas Wattson aged Eight & Twenty yeares or there about Sworne in open Courtt Saith that Mr Robertt Turner & Mr Robbins Bargaine was that W Robbins was to haue the Land Commonly Called Peach Blossom and Plant upon the sd land without trouble Or being mollested the [p. —] Turner was to haue Noe use of Nether houseing Nor land Be longing to the Said Plantacon Butt onely the Dwelling house & a hogg house: the Bargaine was to plant on the said Land for the space of one Whole yeare & Further saith Not Tho: Wattson his Marke Edward Hudson Sworne in open Courtt said The Same Verbat with Tho: Wattson onely he Knoweth not how long time M' Robbins was to haue the same Land Butt to his Best Remembrance he was for the time of making this Crope on the said Plantacon & Further saith Not Edward Hudson Ellenor Wells Sworne in open Courtt saith that as yor depont was driueing her masters Calues unto the Penn She Saw Mr Edward William Plucking downe yor deponts masters George Robbins his Cornefield fence & the sd Williams Called my Master Pupie and orther ugly words & further saith not Mrs Sarah Ellingsworth sworne in open Courtt saith that when Mr Williams threw downe Mr Robbins his fence She doth thinke there was Not an Eare of Corne or butt fue Stalkes Standing and further saith not Sarah Ellingsworth Mr Robt Turner Sworne in open Courtt saith the same with MrS Sararh Ellingsworth & further tht Mr Robbins man Before tht torned into the field his masters horse & further saith Not Robt Turner The Jurys verditt We find tht the Flat George Robbins was in Lawfull possestion of the Land Called Peach Blossom we allsoe find for the Flat damage Two hundred & fifty pound of Tobacoe with Courtt Charges The Courtt hath ordred that pay unto George Robbins Two hun dred & fifty Pounds of tobacoe with Courtt Charges Edward Williams Plat in a Plea of Trespass The Plat Edw: Wil George Robbins Defft liams makeing Nothing Appeare agst the Deift George Robbins The Courtt hath ordred that George Robbins |
Volume 54, Page 552 View pdf image (33K) |
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