Volume 54, Page 540 View pdf image (33K) |
540Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. LiberBB John Radway Flat A Refferance Ordred by Concent of Flat & Walter Rowles Defft Defft Walter Rowles Plat A Refferance Ordred by Concent of Plat and John Radway Dfft Deffendt Petter Whiples Plat Reifrance Ordrcd to the Next Courtt by Wm: Gard Deift Reasson that Mr Jonth: Sibery the Attorney of Mr Gard his Wife being very sibery The Courtt hath Ordred that Mr Tho: Hynson & Mr Rich: Gors such & Mr Jno Kinemont Jon Scott be Ouerseeares of the highwaie that is to Say: W Tho: Hynson from Corsaca Creeke to the Church by the highwaie Between Chester River and Wye River John Scott from the Mill to where Mr Hynson leues of Mr Rich: Gorssuch to make good the Highwaies in these Neck to the Mkt Road Jno Kine mont from the Towne at the Mouth of Wye River to the mill & the Courtt hath Ordred that the Clke send Out Warrants to the fore said Mr Tho: Hynson Mr Richard Gorssuch Mr John Kinernont & John Scott for to press men & provissions accordin to the Nomber of Tax ables in Each Family &c A Courtt held for Talbott County By his Lordpps Justices of the Peace on the 19th day of Nouember in the 41th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius & Annoq Doth 1672 Present Mr Rich: Wolman Mr Tho Hynson Mr Wm: Coursey Mr Phil: Steeuenson Justices Capt Philemon Lloyd Mr Rich Gorssuch Anne Clard Ordred to same hir master Tho: Vaughan for Run ing away Seaventy one day for euery According to Acte of Assem bly hir master promiseth that upon her good behauor to be sattified with one yeares sarvis Sissly Roggers Ordred to sarve Mr Trustrum Thomas one yeare for haueing a Bastard Child [p.—] Mr Wm: Gard Record Mr Petter Sayere his Attorney Mr Will Coursey Administor to the Estate of Robert Smith Acc knowledges Judgemt for a Cow & Calue Due to Mary King Jno Radway Plt The Courtt hath Ordred that Walter Rowles Walter Rowls Defft pay unto Jno Radway one Thousand Six hun dred Thirty two pounds of tobacoe Jno Radway pay Cost himselfe |
Volume 54, Page 540 View pdf image (33K) |
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