Volume 54, Page 30 View pdf image (33K) |
30 Kent County Court Proceedings, 1648-1656. Liber A Item That all the wholl stocke males and females that shall bee Raissed of the forementioned beast or upon her increace shall remaine with the prinsipall For the usse and Comoditie of the sd Thomas Hill as beef ore till the sd seauen yeares bee expired Item That if the affor [ ] bee lost or dye that the best in the Joint stocke if [ ] her place as Marke Bentons pp goodes [ ] partnershipe as beefore till the remainder of the seauen yeares bee expired Item That at the expiration of the sd seauen yeares the sd Thomas Hill his heirs Exec Adm or Assi upon lawfull demaund shall giue a true accoumpt of the sd stocke & shall suffer the sd Marke or his Assig to tack into his or theire Custodie the aforesayd beast beeinge his or theire owne pp goodes and alsoe the one half e of all the Increase & the deuission (if need bee) to bee made by twoe indifferent men Item The sd marks Benton Doth lickwise Couenaunt for himselfe his hers Exe~ Admi~ & Assi~ that hee nor they shall any way trouble or molest the sd Thomas Hill his heirs Exec Admi~ or Assignes for the principall or increasse or any part theareof for securitie or in any other respecte Concerninge the sd stocke in partnershipe Dureinge the sd seauen yeares And for any such trouble or molestation to forfeite his and theire wholl Cleme & intreast in theese ptmises Item That it shall bee lawfull for the sd Thomas Hill his heir Exe~ Admi~ or Assh to conuert Change or turne males into females for the beteringe of the sd stocke and for Confirmation of all the forementioned pticulers wee haue heareunto set or hands the day and yeare first aboue writtenp me Tho: Hill Signed and deliüed Marke Benton in the prsents of Jn° Deare his marke Allexr Monro [fol. 102] To mr Phillip Conier Comãnder and the rest of the Commissioners 7 mo 1655 of the Countie of Kent in Mariland Whearas the Commons of the Countie of Kent in Marieland by their Representatiues or Burgesses chosen by them to atend the Generall Assembly October the 20th 1654 did dessire that the might Retaine theire antient priuilidge to haue a Coup of Judicature Con tinued in the sayd Countie And the Assembly by a pticular acte in that Casse puided, did determine that the should enioy that priuilidge as formerly, and that the next Prouinciall Court should Consider of the psones nominated & ppounded to bee Comissioners for the said Countie of Kent and Receiue theire Engagment to the prsent Gouernmt setled in Mariland under his Highnes the Lord Protector |
Volume 54, Page 30 View pdf image (33K) |
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