Volume 54, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662.217 To all peopell To whom thes present writing shall Corn Greating Liber B Know yee that wee Thomas hills of the Ile of Kent planter and [fol. 97] Elesabeth his wife Executrex of John Deere latte of the same Iland Dececed for and in Consideration of two thousand pounds of good Marcble tobaco and Caske to be paid unto the said Tho: hills or his Executars or Asigns at two Equill payments, on thousand thes- pres ent Crope and the Rest the yeare following, In Consideration hearof the said Tho hills and Elesabeth his wife haue giueine Granted bar ganed & sould and by thes presents do firmly and Clearly giue & grant bargane & selle unto James Ringgould of the same Iland hime his heirs Executors Adminesterators or Asigns all that persell of Cattell Commonly Called and Knowne by the name of John Deere his Cat- tell Marked with his proper Marke or any other Marke that Doth belonge to John Deere now useinge betwext Beaver Creke and Kent poynt, and we the said Thomas hills and Elesabeth his wife Do fermly by thes presents make sale unto the said James Ringgould his heirs Executors Adminrs and Asigns all and Euery on of those Cattell wild and tame ould and younge Male and female with all thaire In crese marked and unmarked thes peacably and quiettly to possese and Inioy without Disturbance or Molestation whatsoeuer In Considera tion hearof the said James Ringgould Doth by thes presents bind himselfe his heirs or Asigns ouem & aboue the said two thousand pounds of tobaco Doth Ingage himself to pay and Deliuer unto the said Tho: hills a steare or Cow of foure years ould within three wicks after seallinge to The trew Intent and Meaning and trew per form ance of the aboue spetified we bind oure sellues orre heirs Executors Adminrs or Asigns to Each other In wittnes whearof we haue sett oure hands and scales thes twenty on Day of october in the yeare of oure lord god Ano Doth on thousand six hundred and sixty Teste John Ringgould the marks of Tobye Wells Tho: hills Aperell 28 1661 Vara Copia Elesabeth hills Teste Tobye Wells Clk James Ringgould orphans Court Att A Court holden upon Kente thes first Day of May 1661 Present Capt Robert Vaughan Capt Thomas Brodnox Mr James Ringgould Mr Nickholas Pickard Itt is ordered by thes present Court that Accordinge to ann ordet of Court with the Consent of Elesabeth Deere the Relett of John Deere Dececed that John Winchester shall take into his possesion all the Cattell that belonge to George Deere the sonn of the said Decesed John Deere tell the said george Deere Come of Age and the said Winchester is to haue for his Care and paines all the male Cattell that shall be bred of the said Cattell Deuringe the time thay are in pos sesion he takeinge Dilligent Care in Looking after the said Cattell |
Volume 54, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
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