Volume 54, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
216Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662. Liber B Know all men by thes presents that I John Jenkens Doe by me and for me my heyrs Exequtors or Asigns haue Asigned ouer unto Marke Benton or his heyrs Exequtors or Asigns all my Ritte tittell and In terest of A pattent granted to me Called by the name of Clife e laid out for two hundred Acurs moore or lese with all the profetts and Ben nefetts Thearin Contayned as wittnes my hand thes first Day of Aperell 1661 Wittnes James Ringgould John Jenkens Tobye Wells his marke Thes Asignment Accknowledged in Court and Recorded me Tobye Wells Clarke In the name of God Amen I John Deere beinge sick and weeake of Body but blesed be god in per fett Memory In the first place I bequeath my soule to the Lord and my body to the earth from whence it Came, Conserninge my temporall Estate in thes my last will and testament In the furst place I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Christian Deere three Cowes the on them beinge Commonly Called stare the other Madcape Which two Cowes are now att my owne penn and the thurd is a Cow that Henrye Tayler hath taken up and is now att Mr Brownes Called Cherry with all the femalls that now is or shall be in the feuter of the Aforesaid three Cowes. Ine the next place I giue and bequeath unto Elcasabeth my wife all my whole estate as lands Chattells moveabbells and un moueabls and I do also by thes my last will and testament make my aforesaid wife my whole and sole Executrex to take all and pay all and for Confermation of the premises aforesaid I do hearunto sett my hand thes Day of July 1659 the mark of Teste signum John Deere John Smith Thomas hill Be it knowne unto all men by thes presents that I John Deere Doe Acknowledg my selfe to haue in my posesion of my sonne Georges seuen heed of Cattell which are all female thaire names and age as folloeth That is to say on Cow Called ould prettey another Called Browny and hur yearlinge another Called younge pretty and hur two yeare ould hay fer and hur now Calf e and ould prettys yearlinge which Cattell I Desire may after my Deseach Remaine in my wiues possesion untell my sonne shall be att age and to be wholy at hum Disposeing allways provided that thay be not made away and if she shall goe out of the Cuntry that she putt them into some honnest mans hand that will be Carefull in Lookinge to them as wittnes my hand the 21th Day of July 1659 John Deere Test Thomas Hill his marke Vara Copia Tobye Wells Clar |
Volume 54, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
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