Volume 54, Page 126 View pdf image (33K) |
126Kent County Court Proceedings, 1656-1662. Liber B demanded by the shrife the court haueing taken this buisneses into Consideration hath remitted the aforesd fine feb th° i Will Dauis desires to record his marke wch is Vndkeeld in the 1657 left eare & slit & the right eare swallow fork Will Richards desires to record his marke wch is cropt on the right eare & slitt in the left eare & a little peice cut under the slitt Record Be It knowne vnto all men by these pTsents That I Thomas Ringold of & Christian my Wife the Late Wife of Tho: Hill Deceased haue bargained sould & Deliuerd vnto Tho Hill his heires or Assignes all Or right title & Interest in all that parcell of Land wch was for merly hen: Carlines & Roger Baxters bought paid for by Tho: Hill deceased & we doe also firmely binde & Ingage or selues or heires or Assignes for good Consideration in hand recd, that the sd Tho Hill his heires Exc. Adminisitmrs or Assignes shall peaceablely & quietly Inioye the aforesd plantatiO of Land with all the benefitts and priui lidges thereunto belonging without the lett hinderance or Molestati of me the sd Tho Ringold & Christian my Wife Or heires or assignes or any person or persons whatsoeuer that shall by any Claime or title to any part of the aforesd Plantation for any debts of the aforesd Tho: Hill deceased & for Confirmation hereof we doe here vnto sett or handes & seales thes fifth of fete 1657 Signed Sealed & Deliuerd Tho: Ringold in the presence of Vs Christian Ringold Hasadia Hill Copia Vera Test James Ringold Wm Leedes Cler feb the gtb Tho: Hynson Enters a Caueat the 9th of february 1657 for the 1657 quantity of 200 Acres of Land Adioning to the Land of Will Body Westerly vpon Coxs his Creeck & southerly vpon the sd Land & Easterly to the bay of Chesapiack including piny neck John Salter Enters a Caueat the 22th of february 1657 for the quantitye of one hunderd Acres of Land in the bottome of the Piny neck begining at the End of the Marsh runing north East At a Court holden vpon kent the first of March 1657 prsentMr Phill Conier Mr John Russell Mr Tho: RingoldHenry Carlyne Comissrs Mr Tho: Hynson Mr Henry Morgan Charles Steward complaineth agst Mr Phill Conier in an ad of the case summ issued Mr Conier being not prepared to answ: this suite craueth a reference vntill next court wch the court hath granted |
Volume 54, Page 126 View pdf image (33K) |
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