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Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 379 goodie neuill held forth her fingers to wit her forfinger and her littell Liber B finger and hollowed at hur and further sayeth not: Mary Roe sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that Mary dod Come into goodie neuills feeld and goodie neuill sayd thou iaed get thow out of my ground for what buisnes hast thow heame shee sayd I am in the Path I will goe when I Please and goodie Neuill sayd if thow wilt not get thee out of my ground I will set the out and with that goodie neuill followed hen and goodie dod turned about and sayd stand of from nice or I will stricke thee and with that goodie dod did stricke her in the face and goodie neuill did say thow iade dust thow stricke mee in my owne ground and with that goodie neuill tooke bolt of goodie dods hands and goodie dod sayd let my hands goe for the Child it will fall and goodie neuill sayd dont feare woman I wont hurt thy Child and with that goodie neuill Caled sumbodie to tacke the Child out of her Armes and Robert Cockerill thearupon Came and goodie dod thearupon sayd stand away I will not let goe my Child and with that goodie neuill strooke hen a good blow in the Chops and sayd by god you shall hauc one for the other and sayd thow iaed I will haue my Reuenge of thee yet and many dod sayd goodie neuill doe not you threaten mee for threatened foulkes liue long and goodie neuill sayd bauld Eagell get the home and Eate sum of gammer belaines fat Porke and many dod sayd if shee did eat fat Porke shee did not Eate Rammish boare and goodie neuill sayd who did and goodie dod sayd shee did not and with that goodic dod Cryed hee Troge and goodie neuill sayd thow whore who is that thow [p. 149] Callest Troge and goodie dod sayd she was no Scoatchmans whore and goodie neuill sayd that nether scotch Irish or English came anus to her and with that goodie dod sayd to goodie neuill cum will you go horn and eat sum of goodie belaynes fat Porke if I haue any and goodie neuill spit at her and sayd shee scorned to go with such Corn- panic as she was and with that many dod went away and goodie neuill held up hem hands and hollowed at her and further sayeth not: Robert Cockerill Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that hee was about his lawfull occasions and bee hearing a great noys and so hee sayd presantly lie goe see and hee heard murder Cryed out and hee Ran towards the noyse as hard as bee Coold without any delay hee went to the hows that was John neuils wheanof John Neuill questioned him what his buisnes was thear his buisnes did not ly thear abouts and presantly Replyed you cum to see and to heare; and bid him goe about his buisnes so hee sayd hee woold not goe about his buisnes hee came to se what was the matter and hee bid him go about his buisnes or else hee woold make him no pray excuse mee goodman Neuill sayd hee I will stand in the path in spit of your teeth and hee the sayd neuill tooke this deponant by the shoulder and pushed him out whearupon hee was Comming away and thearupon bee met |
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Volume 53, Page 379 View pdf image (33K) |
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