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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 378   View pdf image (33K)
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                   378    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.

              Liber B    that Came of of that pockei whores back many Empson and many
                    other vild words that past but at presant this deponant Remember
                    eth not

              [p. 147] Whearupon the defendant Joane Neuill sayd that boath thees buis
                    neses happened at one time and all within the space of half an hower
                    And Thomas Baker submissiuely Requesteth that hen precedent
                    speech might bee noted alleaging that it was a hughe Confirmation
                    of thear oaths and thear for heame incerted
                     And John Neuill the defendant; allso humbly Requesting that
                    Thomas Baker Richard Roe and Mary Roe and Robert Cockerill
                    might haue thean oaths giuen them to testifie upon oath what the
                    occasion was of all this disturbance and the aforsayd Joane Neuill
                    Replyed the occasion was the womans Crying out of Murder Which
                    Confessed occasion is hear also noated downe upon the sayd bakers
                    submissiue Request:

                     Thomas Baker Swomne and Examined in open Court in open Court
                    sayeth that to the best of his understanding and Rememberance that
                    the occasion to the best of his understanding and Rememberance of
                    the langwage which this deponant hath sworne too was upon the
                    accoumpt of thean Comming thither for had hee not heard one
                    Cry out Murder hee had tint Coum thither bad langwage thear past
                    to the best of this deponant Rememberance thees words Proceeded
                    out of Mary Dod when goodie neuill Called her whore Mary dod
                    sayd that shee was no scotchman whore and further sayeth not:

                     Richard Roe Sworne and Examined in open Court sayeth that hee
                    heard a word which past but at the presant hee hath forgot what it
                    was and that Thomas Baker Came to the howse and sayd bee thaught
                    hee heard one Cry out Murder with that goodie neuill asked him
                    wheathen hee was a Constable and asked him whether hee was Come
                    from a Commissioner to a Constable and other vild words did Rise
                    from the weomens mouths whearof the weomen wear going together
                    by the Eames and thear was a blow struck to the best of this deponants
                    knowledg was goodie dod strooke goodie neuill and this deponants
                    wife and Robert Cockerill Ran to tacke the Child out of goodie dods
                    Ammes and goodie neuill sayd if it had not bin for hen Child shee
              [p. 148]   woold haue giuen hen an other and that the vild Langwage aforsayd
                    was spoken and uttered after it and that the too men shoued Each
                    other and that goodman neuill asked Richard dod what bee did in his
                    ground and Richard dod sayed, when hee was out of his grownd;
                    Now Jack Neuill Cum if thow darest and goodie dod Replyed and
                    sayd hee troge and other vild words shee was a speaking Concerning
                    of John Blakwell but what thay wean this deponant Remembereth not,
                    with that Thomas Baker tooke the woman in his armes and bid hem
                    not abuse her for shee intended to tacke the Law of hen and that

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 378   View pdf image (33K)
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