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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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                  346    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.
              Liber B Thomas Bennet as Atturney       The plantiue aresting the de
                    of Francis Batchelor Plantiue     fendant in an action of debt
              [p. 102] Capt Josias Fendall Administnato to Pnefereth this ensuing Spe
                    Christopher Russell Defendant     ciallty

                     This bill bindeth mee Christopher Russell of Chanleses County in
                   the Pnouince of Mariland Planter mee my heirs Executors Adminis
                   trators or Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto francis Batchelor
                   his heirs or Assignes the full and just sum of three hundened and
                   thirty and too pounds of tobacco of sound Marchantable leaf e tobacco
                   and Caske to bee payd at my owne plantation at or upon the tenth
                   of October next ensuing the daet hearof as witnes my hand this
                   7th of march Ao 1661         Christopher Russell
                   Test Dauid Prichard
                       Thomas Bennet:

                     For which Mr Thomas Lomax the Atturney of Capt: Josias fen-
                   dali Confeseth a judgment: It is thearfor ordered that the def en
                   dant pay unto the plantiue three hundered and thirty too pounds of

                   James Boulin by his Atturney This buisnes beeing respited from
                     Mr Thomas Lomax Plantiue the last Court the Plantiue pnefereth
              Mr Arthur Turnor Defendant    his letter of Atturney Petition and
                                        too bills as followeth

                     Know all men by thees Presants that I James boulin of Charleses
                   County in the Prouince of Mariland Planter doe hearby Constitute
                   and appoynt Thomas Lomax my trew and lawfull Atturney in my
                   name and stead to plead to an action Commenced by me in Charleses
                   County Count against Mr Arthur turnor hearby ratifling and allow
                   ing whatsoeuen my sayd Atturney shall doe thearin to bee as fully
                   in force as if I my self wear personally presant witnes my hand the
                   9th of february 1662  James I B Bowlin
                   Benja Rozer                his marke

             [p. 103] To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses County the
                   humble Petition of James Boulin Sheweth
                     That Mr Arthur Turner stands indebted to your Petitioner as by
                   his specialtys appears 952 lb of tobacco and Caske which hee deniing
                   to pay hee enters his suit: humbly beseeching your worships to grant
                   him an order for his debt with Cost and Charge of suit and hee shall
                   as in dutie bound pray &c

                     And for the Confirmation of the sayd Petition the plantiue pro
                   duced thees ensuing speciallties

                     Whearas thear was an accoumpt of four thowsand pounds of to
                   bacco with Caske betweene James Boulin and my self and now upon

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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