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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 290   View pdf image (33K)
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                   290    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.

              Liber B    during the space of ninty nine years next ensuing the date of thees
                   presants at and upon the Resonable Request of the sayd henry Moore
                   and his heirs and Assignes make doe performe acknowledg leuie exe
                   cute and suffer or cause to bee maed don performed performed
                   knowledged leuied Executed and suffered all and euery such further
                   lawfull and reasonable Act and acts thing and things deuice and
                   deuices in the Asshewerance and Assuerances, and Conueyances in
                   the law whatsoeuer for the further better and more perfect assewer
                   ance suerty suermaking and conveiing of all and singular the befor
                   hearby granted or mentioned to be granted with thear and euery of
              [p. 22]    thear Right members & appurtenances Unto the sayd henry Moore
                   his heirs or Assignes bee it in what manner soeuer the sayd henry
                   Moore his heirs or Assignes shall lawfully desire or requir or any
                   of thear Councell in the law so that the sayd William Robisson his
                   heirs or Assignes bee not Compelled or Compelable to trauell further
                   then one hundered and fiftie miles in or about making thearof and
                   lastly it is Couenanted granted and Concluded and Condecended unto
                   and agreed upon by and betweene the sayd Parties to thees Presants
                   for them their heirs and Assignes by thees Presants that all fines
                   feofments Recoueries and Assuerances in the law whatsoeuer had
                   made leuied knowledged suffered or done or hearto for to bee done
                   leuied knowledged suffered and maed by or between the sayd Partys
                   to thees Presant or any of them of for touching or Concerning the
                   sayd messuage or tenement and all and singular other the befor hearby
                   granted premisses with thear Right members and Appurtenances
                   and euery or any parcel thearof shall bee inure and shall bee Con
                   strued Esteemed and taken to bee inure to the only proper use and
                   behoofe of the sayd henry More his heirs or Assignes for euer and
                   to no other use intent or purpos whatsoeuer In veritie and truth
                   hearof witnes this my hand and seale this 22th of March Ao 1658
                    Seigned Sealed and deliuered  William Robisson 0
                     in the Presance of us
                         Thomas T Baker
                           his marke
                        John 0 Neuill
                         his marke

                   Endossed on the bake sid as followeth
                     Know all men by thees Presants that I henry Moore of the Prou
                   ince of Mariland Planter doe Assigne all my Right title and inter
                   est of this bill of sayle from mee my heirs executor Administrators
                   or Assignes unto Thomas hussey of the aforsayd Prouince gut to
                   him his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes for euer as
                   witnes this my hand this third day of december one thowsand six
                   hundered fifty nine               henry Moore
                   Testis henry Addames
                       Leo:   Greene

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 290   View pdf image (33K)
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