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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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          Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     289

    perfect and absolute estat of inheritance of all and singular the Liber B
    befor granted Premisses and euerie part thearof shall bee fully vested
    on the sayd henry Moore his heirs and assignes for euer according
    to the trew meaning of thees presants shall Remaine Contineawe
    and bee seased of and in the messuage or tenement and all and singu
    lar other Premisses in and by thees Presants granted bargained and
    sould with all and euerie thear rights members and appurtenances of
    a good puer and perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee
    simpell without any Condition Reuersion Remainder or limitation
    of any use or uses Estate or Estates in or to any person or person
    whatsoeuer to alter change defeate determin or make voyd the same
    and that the sayd william Robisson at the time of the ensaling hearof
     flight and Law full Authoritie to grant bargaine sell and Conuey
    all and singular the before hearby granted or mentioned to be granted
    the premises with thear and euery of thear appurtenances unto the
    sayd henry Moore his heirs or Assignes and euery of them shall and
    may by force and vertue of thees Presants from time to time and at
    all times for euer hearafter lawfully peacably and quietly haue hold
    use occupie poses and enioy the sayd messuage or tenement and all
    and singular the befor granted premisses with thear and euery of
    thear rights members and appurtenances and haue receaue and tacke
    the rents issews and profits thearof to his and thear owne proper use
    and behoofe for euer without any Lawfull let sute troble or deniall
    interruption euiction or disturbance of the sayd William Robisson his
    heirs or Assignes or of any other Person or persons whatsoeuer law- [p.21]
    fully Claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by thear
    meanes act Consent Priuitie title interest or procurment and that free
    and Cleare, and freely and Clearly acquited exonorated and dis
    charged, and otherwys from time to time well and sufficiently saued
    and kept harmles by the sayd William Robisson his heirs Executors
    or Administrators of and from all and all manner of formar and
    other gifts grants bargains seales leases morgages ioynturs dowers
    tytell of dowers statute merchant and of staple Recognisances Ex
    tents Judgments Executions Uses entayles Rents and Arrearages of
    Rents forfeitures fines issewes and Amercements and of and from
    all and singular other titles trobles Charges demands and incum
    berances whatsoeuer had made Committed omitted or done by the
    sayd William Robisson his heirs or Assignes or by any other Person
    or persons whatsoeuer lawfully Claiming by from or under him them
    or any of them or thear meanes act consent title interest priuitie or
    procurment and further the sayd William Robisson for himself his
    heirs Executors and Administrators and all and euery other Person
    or persons their heirs Executors and Administrators lawfully haue or
    claime or rightfully Pretend to haue any Estate Right title interest
    or demand into or out of the Premisses or any part or parcell of
    them by from or under the sayd William Robisson or his heirs or
    Assignes shall and will from time to time and at all times for and

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 289   View pdf image (33K)
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