Volume 53, Page 125 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 125 at the time of the ensealing and deliuerie of thees pnesants is a good Liber A puer and perfect and absolut estate of enheritance, of all and singu lar the befor granted premisses and euerie pant thearof shal bee fully vested on the sayd William Robisson his heirs and Assignes for euen according unto the trew meaning of thees pnesants without any neuer sion rernaynder or Limitation of any use or usses Estate or estates in or to any person or persons whatsoeuer to Alter Change defeat determin or macke voyd the sam and that the sayd John Neuill at the time of the ensealing hearof a right and lawfull Authoritie to grant bargaine sell and Conuay all and singular the befor mentioned Premisses with all and euerie of their appurtenances unto the sayd William Robisson his his heirs and Assignes for euer and euerie of them shall and may by force and vertue of thees Presants from time to time and at all times hearafter foreuer of the sayd tenement Re ceaue and take the rents Issus and profits thearof to his and their [p. 136] own proper use for euer without any lawifull let suit troble or deniall of the sayd John Neuill or of any person or persons from by or under him or any of them or by thear means the sayd John Neuill his heirs or Assignes shal and will from time to time and at all times for and during the space of flinty nine years next ensuing the date hearof; the presants at and upon the the resonable request of the sayd Wil liam Robisson his heirs and Assignes at the Charge and Cost in Law of the sayd John nenill his heirs or Assignes make doe performe leuie execut and suffer or Cause to bee made done all and eueri such further resonable Act and Acts thing and things deuice and deuices whatso euer for the further better and more perfect Assuerance with their and euerie of their Rights unto the sayd William his heirs or As signes shall Lawfullie desier or requier or any of his or their Coun cel in the Law so that the sayd John Neuill his heirs or Assignes bee not forced or Compelled to trauell aboue on hundered and fifty mills in or about making the same and Lastly it is Couenanted and Agreed upon by and between the sayd Parties to thees Presants for them their heirs and Assignes by thees presants that the sayd Messuage or tene ment and all and singular other the befor hearby granted Premisses with their Rights members and appurtenances and euerie or any par cell thearof shal bee inure and shal bee Construed esteemed and taken to bee and inure to the only proper use and behoofe of the sayd William Robisson his heirs and Assignes for euer and to no other use and purpos whatsoeuer in veritie and truth hearof witnes this my hand and seale this ninth day of Aprill one thowsand six hundered fiftie nine John I N Neuill seal Signed sealed and deliuered his marke o in the Presance of us Henry Addames Thomas Hussey Hennery Moore 13 |
Volume 53, Page 125 View pdf image (33K) |
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