The Lower House. 65
The House taking into Consideration the Governor's Message of
the 4th Instant, concerning the Preparation of a Bill, To repeal the
Parts objected to by his Lordship, in Relation to the regulating and
limiting Officers Fees, and the Rates of English and Foreign Coins ;
The Question was put, Whether a Bill shall be brought in, To
repeal the Clause in the Inspection Law, relating to regulating the
Rates of English and Foreign Coins, or Not? Resolved in the
Liber No. 48
March 8
For the Negative,
Hicks, J. Dennier, senr. Hawkins,
Gresham, Waggaman, Dulany,
Williamson, Edmondson, Casson,
Wallis, Edge, Bracco,
Hynson, Gray, Scarborough,
Hammond, Travers, J. Henry,
Hall, Govane, J. Dennis, junr.
J. Mackall, Earle, Evans,
Smallwood, Baker, Crabb,
Stoddert, Ward, Bealls,
Moore, Addison, Sprigg.
Handy, Murdock, [35]
For the Affirmative,
Mills, M. Tilghman, E. Tilghman.
R. Henry, Lloyd, [5]
Resolved also, That this House will not give Leave for the bring-
ing in any Bill relating thereto: Ordered, That an Address be pre-
sented to his Excellency the Governor to acquaint him with the reso-
lution of this house relative to the Bill proposed by him to be pre-
pared and that the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in the
The Bill entituled, An additional and Supplementary Act to the
Act entituled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, &c. Was
Read the second Time, and will pass, and was sent to the Upper
House, by Mr. Smallwood, and Mr. Casson.
Col. Lloyd, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker the
Bill entituled, An Act directing the Commissioners of the Currency
Office, Speedily to call in the Interest due on Bonds, &c.
Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, March 8, 1755,
p. 42
Read the second Time, and will pass.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Which Bill was Read here, and passed for Ingrossing.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock.