64 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 22-Mar. 26, 1755. .
Liber No. 48
March 7
Mr. John Rawlings, one of the Justices of Frederick County,
having attended on the Summons of this House, issued on the first
of March Instant, on a Report from the Committee of Grievances
and Courts of Justice, brought into the House: Ordered, That
Mr. Rawlings be called to the Bar; who appeared, and being heard
in his Defence, and after the Examination on Oath of several Wit-
nesses, to the Facts contained in the said Report, in his Presence,
he was ordered to withdraw.
The House referred the further Consideration on the said Report,
till the morrow Morning.
The House adjourns till the Morning at 9 of the Clock.
March 8
Saturday Morning, 8th March, 1755.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c. All appeared as
Yesterday, except Mr. Bordley.
Mr. Hammond appeared in the House.
The House took into further Consideration the Report from the
Committee of Grievances, &c. relating to Mr. Rawlings, and on
mature Deliberation thereon, Resolved, That Mr. John Rawlings has
committed a manifest Error, in the Execution of his Office; and
Ordered, That Mr. Rawlings be again called to the Bar, and that he
be acquainted from the Chair, with the Sense this House sustains of
his Conduct, and that it be recommended to him, to behave with
more Circumspection in his Station for the future.
Mr. Rawlings was called to the Bar, and Mr. Speaker gave him
the following Charge, viz.t
p. 41
Mr. Rawlings,
From the Evidence that has been given in Support of the Facts
contain'd in the Charge against you, it is the Opinion of this House,
that you have committed a manifest Error, in the Execution of your
Office, having govern'd yourself in the whole Affair, more by your
Passions, than by your Understanding, which surely ought to have
been the Measure of your Acting.
It is therefore recommended to you as a Rule for your future Con-
duct, in all judicial Proceedings, to direct yourself by the Right
Rule of Law, and go no more by the crooked Cord of Opinion.
There are some Fees accrued by Means of this Enquiry, which the
House expects you will pay, in doing which you are discharged from
any further Attendance.
Ordered, That Major Hall, Mr. Murdock, and Mr. Stoddert, do
Tax the Fees due to the Officers of this House, and others, from
Mr. Rawlings, and Report the same to the House.