Acts. 485
and Duty that is directed and required of me as Clerk to the Com-
missioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit, established by
Act of Assembly, by a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act
for granting a Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's
Service, and striking Thirty- four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds six
Shillings thereof in Bills of Credit, and raising a Fund for sinking
the same; and I will keep a just and true Account of all the Bills
of Credit, which shall be issued and paid out of the said Office, and
the Names of those to whom the same shall be paid and delivered,
and also just and true Accounts of all Bills of Credit and Sums of
Money, which, by Virtue of the said Act, shall be paid and received,
and by whom, into the said Office; and all other necessary Accounts,
relating to the said Bills of Credit, and true Entrics make of all other
Proceedings and Transactions of the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees, appointed to put the said Act in Execution, without any fraudu-
lent Practice whatsoever: So help me God: " Which Justice of
Peace so administering such Oath, is hereby required to send a
Certificate of such Clerk's having taken such Oath, to the Clerk of
the Provincial Court, who shall receive and file the same in his Office,
and the Office-Bond of the Clerk of the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees, and his Securities in such Bond, shall be answerable for, and put
in Suit for any Breaches of his Duty committed against this Act.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
[His Oath.]
And be it further Enacted, That each of the said Commissioners
or Trustees, for the Time being, who shall undertake and execute
the said Trust, shall be allowed, for their Trouble and Service
therein, Twenty Pounds for the first Year, and at the Rate of Ten
Pounds for every Year afterwards, 'til the said Sum of Thirty-four
Thousand and Fifteen Pounds six Shillings, be sunk and destroyed
as herein directed. And the Printer aforesaid who shall print the
said Bills of Credit, according to the Directions of this Act, shall be
allowed the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds Current Money, to be
paid in the several County Levies
And be it further Enacted, That the said Bills of Credit, to be
sioners to be
allowed 20 1.
for the first
Year, and
10 1. for
every Year
after, 'til the
Sum of
34015 1. 6s.
be sunk. The
Printer to be
200 1.]
p. 213
emitted and made current by Virtue of this Act, shall be current for
and during the same Term and Time as the Bills of Credit already
emitted and made current by the Act For emitting and making cur-
rent Ninety Thousand Pounds Current Money of Maryland, in Bills
of Credit, are by the said Act directed and appointed to be current,
and during the said Term shall pass and be received in Payment, Sat-
isfaction and Discharge of all Sums of Money to be paid by this Act,
and of all such Contracts, Debts, Lawyers and Officers Fees, and
Levies, and all such Bounties, Rewards, and Allowances, given and
allowed by any Act of Assembly of this Province, in Money or
Tobacco, and also all such Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties, settled
and established in Money or Tobacco, by any Law of this Province,
and of all such Rates, Duties, and Impositions, upon the Importa-
tion or Exportation of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, Ser-
[Bills of
emitted by
this Act
shall be cur-
rent for the
same Term
as the Bills
of Credit
emitted by
the Act
For emitting
and making
90,000 1. &c.
and to be
received in
of all Debts,