484 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 23-May 22, 1756.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
be prejudiced by my Consent, Privity, or Procurement: So help
me God."
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners or Trus-
to be given
about print-
ing the
Bills; and
how they are
to be kept,
tees, after they are so qualified, shall proceed to give Directions for
printing the same Bills of Credit, acording to the Directions of this
Act, and after the same are so printed, shall sign and number the
same Bills as is hereby directed; and the same so signed shall keep
and deposite in one strong Iron-Chest, with three strong, substantial
and different Locks, and that each Commissioner or Trustee shall
keep a Key, to the End that no Bills of Credit, which shall be signed,
be taken out or disposed of, but by or in the Presence of all the
Commissioners or Trustees; which Chest shall be by them kept in
the Repository built for the present Paper-Currency.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners or Trus-
[Accounts to
be kept by
the Commis-
sioners of
Bills issued ;
and to be
inspected by
a Com-
tees, for the Time being, shall keep true, separate, and distinct Ac-
counts, as well of the Bills which they shall sign and issue, as of
the Money and Bills which they shall receive and pay, pursuant to
this Act; which several Accounts a Committee of both Houses of
Assembly shall be appointed every Session to inspect and examine;
and which Committee shall also inspect and examine the Proceed-
ings of the said Commissioners or Trustees, who are hereby required
and obliged to lay a full and fair State of their Proceedings before
such Committee, to the End they may be satisfied that the Sums for
which Bills of Credit are to be issued, pursuant to this Act, are not
exceeded, and may be acquainted, from Time to Time, with the
State of the whole Transactions and Affairs relating to the said
Office, and of the Management and Behaviour of the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees; which Committee shall every Session of As-
sembly, report to the General Assembly the State and Condition of
the said Office, and the Conduct and Behaviour of the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees, to the End that any Corruption or Mismanage-
ment may be timely guarded against and prevented.
[Clerk to
keep Ac-
And be it further Enacted, That the Clerk for the Time being to
the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, shall keep the Books of
Accounts of all their Transactions in Virtue of this Act: For which
and for every other Service incident to his Office, he shall have a
[p. 212]
Salary of Twenty Pounds Current Money for the first Year, and
at the Rate of Ten Pounds for every Year afterwards, 'til the said
Sum of Thirty-four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds six Shillings, be
sunk and destroyed as herein directed, so long as he shall con-
tinue in his Office under this Act, and so in Proportion for a
less Time than one Year, to be paid by the Commissioners or Trus-
tees aforesaid in the said Bills of Credit: But before he shall enter
upon the Execution of his said Office, he shall take an Oath, before
some Justice of the Peace in this Province, who is hereby impowered
and required to administer the same, in these Words, " I A. B. do
swear that I will truly and faithfully perform and execute the Office