The Several Paper Bills the Original of which have passed both
houses this Session are sent to the Lower house by Col :o Taskere.
Adjourned till three of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem die Post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Ordered that the Clerk of this house Receive the same fees on all
Private Bills Passed this Session as are allowed by the Lower house
to their Clerk
Richard Lee and William Goldsborough Esq:rs are sent to the
Lower house to acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency requires
his immediate attendance with the Lower house in the Upper house
to See the Laws Passed both houses this Session receive the Assent.
The Lower house Attend and by their Speaker present to his
Excellency the following Bills Viz.t
An Act for Granting a Supply of Forty Thousand pounds for his
Majestys Service and Striking Thirty four thousand and fifteen
pounds six Shillings thereof in Bills of Credit and raising a fund for
Sinking the same
An Act for the Continuance of Process in Caecil County March
Court and to cure some defects that may have happened in the pro-
ceedings of the Several County Courts of this Province and for the
Explaining the Act of Assembly Entituled an Act appointing Certain
days on which the Several and respective County Courts within
this Province are to be held.
An Act to vest certain Entailed Lands therein mentioned in the
female heirs of Leonard Hollyday Gentleman in Fee Simple
A Supplementary Act to an Act entituled An Act impowering
the Justices of Worcester County to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants
of All hallows Parish a Sum of Tobacco and for other Purposes
therein mentioned