A Message from the Lower house by Mess:rs Goldsborough and
Carroll with the following Ordinance.
By the Lower house of Assembly 22d May 1756
May it Please your honours
We desire your honours Concurrence to the Ordinance herewith
sent impowering his Excellency to appoint a Person to receive and
indent for the proportion of Arms and Ammunition his Majesty has
been pleased to order for our use and for impowering the Treasurers
to defray the Expence of bringing the same into this Province
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl: Lo: Ho.
Whereas his Majesty has been Graciously pleased to obtain ten
thousand Stands of Arms and a Proportionable Quantity of Ammu-
nition to be employed for the Service of his Colonies as from time
to time there shall be occasion and is required that each Colonie
to which any of those Arms shall be delivered give Security to re-
turn them to the Officer his Majesty has been pleased to appoint
except in case of their being lost in Battle or taken or destroyed by
the Enemy And it being necessary that some person should be
appointed to receive the Proportion of said Arms and Ammunition
which may be allotted for this Government It is Ordained by his
Excellency the Governor and the Upper and Lower houses of As-
sembly that any Person his Excellency shall name and appoint be
and is hereby impowered to receive the said Arms and Ammunition
and that this Government will stand and be Security for returning
to the Officer his Majesty has been pleased to appoint as af.d any
Number of the said Arms which may be delivered to the said Per-
son so appointed to receive the same except in Case of their being
lost in Battle or taken or destroyed by the Enemy and that the said
Person be impowered to indent accordingly And it is further Or-
dained that the Treasurers of this Province shall by Order under the
hand of his Excellency defray the Expence of Conveying and
bringing the said Arms and Ammunition into the same And that
the said Expence be allowed them in their respective Amounts