116 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. 22-Mar. 26, 1755.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
the said Inspectors, County Clerks, or other Creditors of the said
Warehouses, may or can be paid: It is therefore prayed that it may
be Enacted,
or Others,
claims, to be
paid by a
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Prorietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That where any Inspectors, Clerks, or other Creditors,
have Claims unsatisfied, it shall and may be lawful for the Justices
of such Counties, and they are hereby required, at the laying the
next County Levy, to asses on the taxable Inhabitans, a Sum suffi-
cient to discharge the same. And if it shall so happen, that at the
laying the next County Levy, or other future Levy, there shall be
any Claim or Claims, arising by the Salary of any Inspector or
Inspectors, County Clerk, or other annual Charge from any In-
specting-House or Houses, within any County of this Province,
it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of such County respec-
tively, and they are hereby directed and required, at the November
Court of such County, yearly, to assess and levy a Sum sufficient to
discharge the same, on the taxable Inhabitants of such County, that
thereby the Current Expenses of each Year may be defrayed.
p. 181
done in
Houses by
late extraor-
dinary Tides,
and Rain, to
be paid by
the respective
And whereas by a most extraordinary Rain and Tide happening
in the Months of August and October last, which raised the Waters
of several Rivers to an Heighth never before known, there hath been
Quantities of Tobacco damaged and lost, in several Inspecting-
Houses, and that it would be unjust and highly prejudicial that such
accidental Damage and Loss should fall on the Inspectors, or Own-
ers of such Houses only, Be it therefore Enacted, That the Justices
of each respective County, where such Damage or Loss hath hap-
pened, upon Application to them made, shall, and they are hereby
directed and required to call upon the Inspector or Inspectors of
such Warehouses, wherein any Damage and Loss hath happened,
for an Account, upon Oath, of the Quantity of Tobacco totally
damaged and lost, and a List in which they shall certify the Names
of the several Persons who have been Sufferers in their respective
Warehouses, and the Amount of their several Losses sustained by
the Means aforesaid: And the said Justices, in their respective
Counties wherein the Accident aforesaid hath happened, shall, and
they are hereby directed and impowered, at their next November
Court, to be held for their respective Counties, to assess and levy
a Quantity of Tobacco on the taxable Inhabitants, to the Amount
of the Sum made appear to be damaged and lost, as aforesaid,
together with the Sheriff's Salary for collecting the same, out of
which the several Sufferers shall be paid their several Claims, made