Acts. 115
Conviction, one Moiety of all and every Forfeiture, or Forfeitures,
herein before mentioned.
Provided always, That in case any Person or Persons shall, or
Liber H. S.
No. I
do, within this Province, load on board any Ship or Vessel, any
Ammunition or Warlike Stores, Wheat, Indian Corn, Beans, or
Provisions of any Kind, more than shall be necessary for the Use
of such Vessel, it shall and may be lawful, to and for such Person or
Persons, to carry the same to any Port belonging to the Kings of
Spain or Portugal, in Europe or Africa, first giving Bond, with
Surety as aforesaid, in the Sum aforesaid, conditioned that such
Ammunition, Warlike Stores, Wheat, Indian Corn, Beans, or Pro-
visions as aforesaid, shall be landed in some or one of the Ports
aforesaid, and that a Certificate, under the Hand and Seal of the
British Consul, or his Deputy, residing in such Port, returned in
Eighteen Months to the Naval Officer taking such Bond, shall vacate
the same; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof, in any wise
&c. may be
carried to
Spain or
This Act to continue until the Twentieth Day of June, One Thou-
sand Seven Hundred and Fifty Five, and no longer.
22d March 1755 On behalf of the Right 22d March 1755
Read and assented to Honourable the Lord Read and assented to
By the Lower House of Proprietary of this Prov- by the Upper House of
assembly ince I will this be a Law assembly
Signed p. order Hor.o Sharpe Signed p. Order.
M Macnemara Cl. Lo H.o J Ross Cl. Up Ho
| The Great Seal in |
| wax appendant. |
No. 7 An Act for the Relief of Inspectors, and Owners of Tobacco, and
Others, who have suffered by Means of extraordinary Rains, and
high Tides, and other Defects in the Inspection-Law.
Whereas by an Act entituled, An Act for amending the Staple of
Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for
the Limitation of Officers Fees, it is directed, that in all Matters
relating to the Expence of putting the said Act in Execution, the
several Inspectors should annually lay before the Justices of the
respective County Courts, fair and distinct Accounts of the Profit
and Loss of their respective Warehouses, which Accounts the Jus-
tices shall settle and adjust; and that if the Profits shall over and
above bear the Expences, that then the Overplus be applied to defray
the Charge of the County. But no Provision is made by the said Act,
in Case it should so happen that by Means of the small Quantity of
Tobacco made in any County, there should not be Money raised suf-
ficient to defray the several Inspectors Salaries, Allowance to the
County Clerk, and other annual Charges of the Warehouses therein ;
and there being at present, in case of a Deficiency, no Law whereby
p. 180
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