Volume 51, Page 275 View pdf image (33K) |
Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679. 275 discharged by James Pattison the assignee and present possessor of Liber C D the other fifty acres of Land and the Jury afores.d do upon their Oaths further Say That the Said Robert Sheale dyed without any issue of his Body Lawfully begotten and left no heir at Law to him the Said Robert to Inherit in the Land afores.d nor made any Disposition thereof to any pson whatsoever in his life time to the knowledge of the Jurors af.' But by what Right or Title the s.d Bridgett dureing her widowhood or the Said Gregory & Bridgett Since their Inter marriage held the Same or the sd Gregory now holds the Same the Jurors aforesaid are wholly Ignorant - John Manley Commission Robert Carvile Stephen Murty sealed John Noble sealed Stephen Gough sealed John Bayly sealed Abram Taylor sealed Rich.d Birkheadsealed John Brown Tho Nottinghamsealed W.m Shercliffesealed Tho Salmon sealed Ja.8 Pattison sealed Dan.” Hammond sealed Which being Read and heard It is the Judgm.t of the Court here this day to wit the 23th day of November in the year of the p. 225 Dominion of the R.t Hon.ble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annocp (fol. 273) Dom 168o that the fifty acres of Land in the aforegoing Inquisition menconed where the Said Robert Sheale dyed Seized is Escheated unto his Said Lordship for want of an heir To the Hon.blee Justices of the Provinciall Court (fol. 274) The humble Petition of Richard Hill Gent Sheweth That one Thomas Bland in may 1679 did Exhibit his Bill of Comp.lt into this Court ag.t Edward Dorsey & his wife & other defend.ts and amongst others that he named defend.ts yo.r Pet.r was one that was Served with a Sp.a Returnable 4th may to Answer the Said Bill to w.ch your pet.r appeared & haveing appeared and perused the Said Comp.lts Bill doth find the Same to be meerly Vexatious & to put your pet.r to unnecessary Expences & Charges in takeing out Copys of Long pleadings and to putting him to great pain & trouble in travelling to the Court about the Same yo.r pet.r being no ways concerned or any ways privy to any y.e transactions Between the Said p.lt and defend.ts Dorsey and his wife who are y.e onely defend.ts haveing denyed all Combination Charged against him by the pits with any the other def.ts and the p.lts have So far pceeded as they are Ready for a hearing without this defend.ts answer So that it is plain that yo.r petition.r is no materiall defend.t to the Said Bill |
Volume 51, Page 275 View pdf image (33K) |
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