Acts. 81
And be it likewise Enacted, That upon every Conviction before a
single Magistrate out of Court, in Manner aforesaid, the Justice shall
Liber B. L. C.
be intitled to a Fee or Reward of Five Shillings; and the Constable,
for serving every Warrant against such Mother or reputed Father,
the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence, and no more, to be paid
by the Party so convicted.
And be it further Enacted, That if any Woman shall be with
[Justices and
Child, which Child when born shall by the Laws of this Province be a
Bastard, and shall confess the same before some Justice of the
Peace, and make Oath to the Begetter of such Child, that then and in
such Case the Justice aforesaid shall bind over such Woman, and the
Begetter of such Child, to the next Court to be held for the said
County, in which Court the Parties shall be kept bound 'til after
the Delivery of the said Woman of such Bastard Child, and until
the same Method of Proceeding shall be had before a single Justice
of the Peace, or County Court, as the Case may happen, against
such Woman and the Begetter of such Child, for Recovery of the
Fines of and from such Woman, and Begetter of such Child, and
securing the County, as is directed by this Act in like Cases.
with Child,
the Begetter,
to be bound
over with
such Beget-
ter, to the
next County
And be it further Enacted, That no County Court within this
Province shall take Cognizance, or proceed to hear, try, and deter-
mine any such Fornication or Adultery as aforesaid, where the Par-
ties charged therewith shall willingly confess the same, before some
Justice, according to the Directions of this Act.
Provided nevertheless, That where any Person or Persons have
been bound over to answer for Fornication or Adultery, or that have
been presented or indicted for the same, or that shall at any Time,
before the first Day of October next, be presented or indicted for
such Offence; that then the several and respective County Courts
shall proceed to final Judgment thereon, against the Person or Per-
sons so offending; any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise
the Sin of
Adultery or
not to be
under Cogni-
zance of the
This Act to continue for three Years from the first Day of Octo-
ber next, and unto the End of the next Session of Assembly which
shall happen after the said three Years.
ance of this
22.d June 1752
Read and Assented to
by/the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Propry
of this Province I will
this be a Law
Benj.a Tasker
the great seal in
Wax appendant
23 June 1752
Read and Assented to
by the Upper/House of
Signed p Order
J. Ross Cl Up Ho.