80 Assembly Proceedings. June 3-23, 1752.
Liber B. L. C.
in such Case the Father of such Child, being legally convicted in
Manner aforesaid, shall over and above the Fine aforesaid, be
ordered and adjudged by the Justice aforesaid, or the County Court,
as the Case may happen, to give good Security to keep such Bastard
Child from becoming a Charge to the County, and for want of
giving such Security, he shall by the Justice aforesaid, or by the
County Court, as the Case may happen, be committed to the public
Goal of the said County until he shall willingly do the same; and such
p. 558
Mother of the said Child shall be thereof discharged.
[The Father
or Mother
to be com-
mitted, in
case of not
with the
mentioned in
this Act.]
And be it likewise Enacted, That if the Mother of such Bastard
Child will not discover the Father as aforesaid, and shall be unable
or unwilling to pay her Fine in Manner aforesaid; or if upon such
Discovery as aforesaid, such reputed Father shall be unable or un-
willing to pay his Fine, and the Charges as aforesaid, then and in
every such Case, such Mother or Father respectively, as the Case
may happen, shall be obliged to give good Security to the Right Hon-
ourable the Lord Proprietor for the Payment of such Fines by a
certain Day, not less than twelve Months from the Time of giving
such Security, to be taken by the Justice aforesaid, or by the County
Court, as the Case may happen; and for Default of such Security,
to be committed to the public Goal of the said County, until such
Mother or Father of such Bastard Child shall willingly do the same.
[Fines to be
received by
the Justices,
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several Justices aforesaid
are hereby authorized and required to receive the same Fines, and
to make Payment thereof to the Sheriff of the County aforesaid,
for the Time being, to and for the Use of such County, and shall take
his Receipt for the same; and shall, at every Court to be held for such
County, make and return to such Court a List under his Hand, what
Fines he hath so received, together with the said Sheriff's Receipt for
the same, to be lodged with the Clerk of the said Court; and shall
also certify and return to the next County Court, under his Hand
and Seal, the Conviction of such Person before him, and all Recog-
nizances by him so as aforesaid taken, to be recorded by the Clerk
of the said Court among the Records thereof; for all which Services,
the Clerk of the said Court shall have and receive his legal Fees;
which said Conviction, so recorded, shall be good and sufficient in
Law to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes, and of the same
Force and Effect, as if the said Judgment and Conviction had been
legally had in the same Court; any Law,. Usage, or Custom to the
contrary notwithstanding.
[Duty of
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it
shall be the Duty of the Constables of the several Hundreds in every
County within this Province, and they are hereby directed and re-
quired, to make Information to some Magistrate in their respective
Counties, against the Mother and reputed Father of every such
Bastard Child.