The Lower House. 479
The House met according to Adjournment.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 14
Wednesday, May 15, 1754.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Pearce, Capt. Earle, and Major Ridgely, appeared in the
Col. Hooper, from the Committee appointed for enquiring into
Ways and Means for raising Money sufficient for a Present to the
Six Nations of Indians, &c. delivers to Mr. Speaker the following
Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable House of Dele-
gates, for enquiring into Ways and Means for raising Money suffi-
cient for a Present to the Six Nations of Indians; and also, a Sum
of Money to be raised for the Assistance of the Virginians, now at-
tacked and invaded by the French.
Your Committee agree upon the following Ways and Means for
raising Money, for the Purposes aforesaid, viz.
May 15
s. d.
An Assessment on all Coaches, Chairs, Chaises, and Chari-
ots, or such like Carriages, each Wheel, per Annum
5 0
On all Ordinary Licenses, an Addition of
0 0
On all Servants imported into this Province, to serve for
0 0
p. 425
the Term of 7 Years or upwards, each
On all imported Servants to serve by Indenture, for less
than 7 Years, or Custom of the Country, each
5 0
On all Negroes imported into this Province, an Addition of
10 0
On all Licenses (to be granted) to Hawkers and Pedlars,
0 0
each License, per Annum.
On every Decree in the high Court of Chancery, Dismissal,
or Agreement, or other End on any Suit hereafter to
10 0
be brought,
On every Judgment, Agreement, Discontinuance, or other
End of any Suit brought or determined in the Pro-
vincial Court, except Abatement by Death, and Suits
5 o
already commenced,
On every Judgment, Agreement, Discontinuance, or other
End of any Suit hereafter to be brought or determined
i 6
in the County Court, except Abatement by Death, and
Suits already commenced, j