478 Assembly Proceedings, May S-May 30, 1754.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 13
By the Committee of Accounts, May 13, 1754.
In Pursuance to an Order of the House of Delegates, we have
proceeded to tax the Fees and Charges due to the Officers of the
House, on a Complaint against William Rasin, Sheriff of Kent
County, for omitting to return the Writ of Election, and Indenture
signed between him. as Sheriff aforesaid, and the Electors of the
County aforesaid, at the last Election, viz
To the Clerk, £. 0 30
To the Serjeant, for a Messenger, 1 10 0
To Ditto, for Ferriages and Expences, 0 14 6
To Ditto, for serving the Precept, 0 3 0
£. 2 10 6
Which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of the honour-
able House.
Signed per Order, Beale Nicholson, Cl. Com.
Ordered, That Mr. Rasin do pay the Fees taxed in the said Report,
and on Compliance therewith, he be discharged from his further
Attendance on this House.
The House adjourns till the morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
May 14
p. 424
Tuesday, May 14, 1754.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
In Pursuance of the Order of the Day, the House took into Con-
sideration that Part of his Excellency's Speech relating to the Prepa-
rations, Designs, Armaments, Incroachments, and Depredations,
made by the French on his Majesty's Territories and Dominions in
America, enjoyed by our Ancestors without Interruption. And,
Resolved unanimously, That a Sum of Money be raised, to be
made a Present to the Six Nations of Indians, on their Meeting at
Albany, in June next, with the several Commissioners to be sent
thither from the several Governments on this Continent: And also,
that a Sum of Money be raised for the Assistance of the Virginians,
now attacked and invaded by the French.
Ordered, That Mr. Key, Mr. Williamson, Doctor Carroll, Mr. J.
Mackall, Mr. Stoddert, Mr. Handy, Mr. J. Goldsborough, Col.
Hooper, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Hyland, Mr. Murdock, Mr. W. Dulany,
Mr. Hollyday, Mr. Purnell, Mr. D. Dulany, Mr. Tilghman, and Mr.
C. Goldsborough, be a Committee to enquire into Ways and Means for
raising Money sufficient for the Purposes aforesaid, and Report the
same to the House.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.