L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
March 9
Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, where no Essoin, Protection, or
Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance to be allowed; the one
Half of which Penalty to the Informer, or him, her or them, that
will sue for the same, and the other Half to be paid to the Commis-
sioners, or Trustees aforesaid, and by them applied towards the Re-
payment and Replacement of the Money, by them, the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees, directed to be paid by this Act
p. 410
"And be it likewise Enacted, That any Person, but more particu-
larly, every High Sheriff and his Deputies, Constable, Vestryman or
Churchwarden, within this Province, shall and may, and they, are
every of them, are hereby directed and impowered to examine such
Pedlar, Hawker or Petty Chapman, and require him or her, to pro-
duce his or her License, and in Case of Refusal or Neglect of such
Pedlar, Hawker or Petty-Chapman, to produce the same, it shall and
may be lawful for such High Sheriff and his Deputies, Constable,
Vestryman, Churchwarden, or other Person, to carry such Pedlar,
Hawker or Petty-Chapman, before any Justice of the Peace, and such
Justice is hereby directed to commit such Pedlar, Hawker, or Petty
Chapman, unless he, or she, shall produce to such Justice his or her
License, or unless he, or she, shall find Surety, in the Sum of Twenty
Pounds Current Money, for the Good Behaviour, and to appear at
the next County Court, to answer unto such Matters and Things as
shall be then and there objected against him or her, of and concerning
the Premises aforesaid; where, if he or she doth produce such his or
her License, as herein before directed to be taken, and it shall not
appear to such County Court, that he or she hath committed any
Breach of this Act; that then, and in such Case, he or she shall and
may be discharged, paying legal Fees.
"And be it likewise Enacted, That in Case any Hawker, Pedlar or
Petty Chapman, shall deal, traffic, or Barter, willingly and wittingly,
with any Servant or Slave within this Province, without the Consent
of the Master, Mistress or Owner, of such Servant or Slave, that
every Hawker, Pedlar or Petty Chapman, so dealing, trafficing or
bartering, with any Servant or Slave, shall be liable to the same
Penalty as is above provided against such Hawker, Pedlar or Petty
Chapman, as shall deal, traffic or barter, without first having ob-
tained a License, in the Manner above directed.
"And be it likewise Enacted, That in Case any Hawker, Pedlar or
Petty Chapman, shall be sued, or prosecuted, for dealing, trafficing
or bartering, with Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, not bought or
purchased within this Province, or immediately imported hither from
Great-Britain, without first having obtained a License for such Pur-
pose, the Fact charged shall be taken pro Consesso, against such
Hawker, Pedlar or Petty Chapman, so sued or prosecuted, unless such
Hawker, Pedlar or Petty Chapman, shall and do make it appear, that
he or she actually bought or purhased such Goods, Wares or Mer-