L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
March 9
the said Six Nations, in Order to keep them in the Interest of Great-
Britain; this General Assembly taking the same into their most seri-
ous Consideration, and being willing to do what may best answer so
good an End, and to contribute to the Interest of their Mother Coun-
try, have thought proper, that the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds
Current Money, in Bills of Credit, be taken out of the Loan Office
of this Province, and paid by the Commissioners of the said Office,
for the Time being, to the Persons hereinafter named: It is there-
fore humbly prayed that it may be enacted.
p. 408
" And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same,That the Commissioners of the Loan Office of
this Province, for the Time being, shall, and they are hereby obliged
and directed to pay out of the Money, or Bills of Credit, in their
Hands in the said Office, the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds Current
Money, in Bills of Credit, to the Honourable George Plater and Ben-
jamin Tasker, junr. Esquires, of the Upper House, and to Daniel
Dulany and Matthew Tilghman, Esquires, or any two of them;
Three Hundred Pounds, Part of the aforesaid Five Hundred Pounds,
to be applied by them, or any Two of them, towards purchasing suit-
able Presents to be made to the said Six Nations of Indians, and the
remaining Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, Part of the aforesaid
Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, to be applied by the said George
Plater, and Benjamin Tasker, junr. Daniel Dulany, and Matthew
Tilghman, Esquires, or any two of them, towards defraying their
Expences, as Commissioners aforesaid, and other contingent Charges
that may necessarily accrue by Occasion of their Attendance and
Service on the Negotiation aforesaid.
"And whereas, divers Persons, called Hawkers, Pedlars and Petty
Chapmen, coming into this Province from other Parts, and going
from Town to Town, or to the Dwelling Houses of the good People
of this Province, travelling either on Foot or with Horse, Horses
or other Carriages, sell or dispose of Goods, Wares or Merchandizes,
do frequently purchase very useful and necessary Commodities at
low Rates, and carry the same to the neighbouring Provinces, as
also considerable Sums of Money, to the great Damage of the In-
habitants of this Province. And whereas it is but reasonable that
Persons residing out of this Province, and taking Advantage and
Profit by Trade therein, should, in some Measure, contribute to the
Charges thereof, and be subject to a good Conduct and Behaviour
within the same Province. In Order therefore, and also for the
Replacement of the Money aforesaid, paid out of the Loan Office,
it is further prayed that it may be enacted.
"And be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent afore-
said, That from and after the first Day of May next, it shall not be