Acts. 377
Money for purchasing Fire-Engines for the Use of the Inhabitants of
the Town aforesaid, and building a House or Houses necessary for
preserving and lodging the same.
Liber H. S.
No. I
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
same Commissioners, or any of them, shall and may, and they are
hereby impowered and authorized, at any Time after the End of this
present Session of Assembly, to demand, take and receive, of and
from the Owner or Owners, Possessor or Possessors, of every Lot of
Land in Chester-Town aforesaid, according to the late Survey thereof,
and from the Agent, Factors or Attorneys, of such Owners, or
Possessors, as shall be beyond Seas, or out of this Province, the Sum
of Twenty Shillings Current Money of this Province, for every such
Lot, and so in Proportion for any Part or Parts of such Lots so held
or possessed.
[The Sum to
be levied.]
And be it further Enacted, That if the Possessors of any of the
same Lots be Tenants to the Owners thereof, such Tenants shall be,
and they are hereby, obliged to pay to the same Commissioners, the
Sums hereby appointed to be paid, for such Lots, or Parts of Lots, by
them held or possessed, and to discount the same out of the Rents by
them payable for such Lots, or Parts of Lots.
p. 120
[On Lots
rented by
And be it further Enacted, That if any Owners of any of the same,
Lots, not being inhabited, or leased, or let out, shall, at the Time of
collecting the Moneys aforesaid, be Infants under the Age of
Twenty-one Years, in every such Case, the Guardian of such Infant
shall be obliged to pay the Money aforesaid, for such Lots, or Parts
of Lots; for which such Infants, when they come of full Age, shall
be accountable to such their Guardians.
[On Lots be-
longing to
And be it further Enacted, That if any of the Persons aforesaid,
hereby obliged and directed to pay the Sums of Money aforesaid,
shall, upon Demand thereof made by any one of the Commissioners
aforesaid, refuse or delay Payment thereof, it shall and may be lawful
for any Justice of Kent County, or other County, where such Per-
son or Persons so refusing or delaying resides, to issue his Warrant
against him, her, or them, and upon hearing in a summary Way, to
give Judgment for such Sum or Sums, by him, her, or them, so
payable, and thereon to grant Execution against Bodies, Goods, or
Chattels; and if any Dispute should arise at any Time about the
Right of any such Person or Persons, to pay such Sums of Money as
aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any Three Justices of Kent
County aforesaid, to hear and determine such Disputes in a summary
Way, by which Determination all Persons shall be bound, without
further Appeal.
[In Case of
Warrant and
may issue.]
And be it further Enacted, That the Justices of Kent County shall,
and they are hereby impowered at the Time of laying and assessing
their next County Levies, to lay and assess the Sum of Five Pounds
[5 I. to be
levied on the