376 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 2-Nov. 17, 1753.
Liber H. S.
No. I
[Owners of
Lots in
Town, on
the Water,
may build
That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons having
any Lot or Lots, or Part of any Lot or Lots, next adjoining to the
Water in Charles-Town aforesaid, to build and make such Improve-
ments as they shall think most convenient, as far as to the Channel of
North-East River, not exceeding, in Breadth, the Water Front of
such Lot or Lots, or Portion, or Part, of such Lot or Lots, as shall
belong to the Builder of such Wharf or Wharfs, or other Conve-
niencies, and such Builder, or Builders, shall have, and enjoy, as full
and ample Right to that Part or Parcel of his or their Lot or Lots.
Provided always, That there shall be left Streets and Alleys, con-
[Streets and
Alleys to be
venient to the Water, for public Use, and also, that the Owners of all
such Water Lots, so to be improved, pay the Lord Proprietary the
Rent of One Penny Current Money for every Acre so improved,
and so in Proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity.
17.th November 1753
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Hor.° Sharpe
the great seal in
Wax Appcndant
17.th Novem.r 1753
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J. Ross Cl Up Ho
No. 28
p. 119
An Act to enable the Persons therein named, to levy, assess, and
apply, the Money therein mentioned.
Whereas, sundry Persons, Inhabitants and Owners of Lots, in
Chester-Town, in Kent County, by Petition to this General Assembly,
have set forth, That there have, at several Times, several Dwelling-
Houses, and other valuable Buildings, been destroyed by Fire,
within the same Town, which might have been prevented by Fire-
Engines, had they been provided with such; and therefore prayed that
an Act might be passed, to oblige the Owners or Possessors of the
Lots, or Parts of Lots of the same Town, according to the late Survey
thereof, to pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every such Lot, and
in Proportion for every Part of a Lot so owned or possessed, into
the Hands of certain Persons to be appointed to receive the same,
to be by them laid out for Fire-Engines, for the Use of the said
Town. And whereas the Justices of the same County, by Indorse-
ment on the same Petition, have certified, that there being in the same
Town, a Piece of Ground whereon the public Buildings are erected,
containing by Estimation about Five Acres, they think it reason-
able and necessary, that the Sum of Five Pounds should be levied on
the taxable Inhabitants of the County for the Purpose aforesaid.
named to
levy Money
for Fire-
Engines in
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That Bedingfield Hands, Thomas Ringgold,
and Joseph Nicholson, of Chester-Town aforesaid, be, and are hereby,
appointed and constituted Commissioners for raising and levying