L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 4
p. 218
the Oath of Abjuration and the Test; and the other Places and
Offices were filled up according to the said third Order or Instruction,
by reinstating the former Possessors, among whom I was one, as
And thus the Government devolved upon me, upon the Death of
the late Governor; and the Council desired, consented, and advised
me to appoint all necessary Officers for the due Administration
of Justice.
Upon the Restoration of the Government to the late Lord Pro-
prietary, there was a Commission from his Lordship, and the Lord
Guilford, his Guardian, in the Year 1715, to Thomas Brooke, Esq;
Edward Lloyd, William Holland, William Coursey, Thomas Ennals,
Samuel Young, Thomas Greenfield, John Hall, Thomas Addison,
William Whittington, Philemon Lloyd, Richard Tilghman, and
Thomas Smith, Esquires, to be of his Council: But no Commission
was ever sent to the Council after the late Lord Proprietary attained
his full Age; but those Gentlemen who have been of the Council,
have been nominated and appointed by the Governor for the Time
being, called up to the Council Board, and sworn; the Governor inti-
mating, that he had his Lordship's Directions for that Purpose.
Benja. Tasker.
His Honour the President communicates to Mr. Speaker the
following Answer.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I return you hearty Thanks for your kind Address, and you may
be assured I shall with Pleasure concur with you, in every Thing
in my Power, for the Good and Advantage of this Province.
Benja. Tasker.
The House adjourns until to Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
June 5
Friday Morning, June 5, 1752.
The House met according to adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday
were read.
On motion that a Bill be brought in for the Recovery of small
Debts out of Court, before a single Justice of the Peace; Leave is
given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring
in a Bill accordingly.
On motion that a Bill be brought in to repeal an Act entituled,
An Act for the Encouragement of such Persons as will undertake
to build Water-Mills; Leave is given; Ordered, That the Committee
of Laws do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.