As we have the same Motives to suggest the Means, and the same
End to accomplish, with your Honour, we flatter ourselves that the
Public Business will be carried on with the utmost Harmony, Dis-
patch, and as little Expence to the Country as possible.
Ordered, That Mr. Wootton and Mr. Stoddert do acquaint his
Honour the President that this House hath prepared an Address
to be presented to him, and desires to know when and where he will
please to receive it: They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the
President signified he was ready to receive the Address immediately
in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Col. Hooper, with thirteen more do present the
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Mr. Oldham and Mr. Edmonson appeared in the House.
His Honour the President communicates to Mr. Speaker the
following Answer.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
In Answer to your Address, I assure you that I am, and always
shall be, very desirous to give you all the Satisfaction in my Power
on every Occasion. I had a Commission from the late Lord Pro-
prietary, dated December 23, 1743, to be President of the Council.
Upon the Demise of his Lordship, a Commission was sent in by the
present Lord Proprietary and his Guardians, to the late Governor,
with Orders and Instructions to be pursued by him; by the second
of which, he was directed and required to " fill up the Vacancies in
the Council, which had been occasioned by the Death of the late
Lord Proprietary, with the Names of the former Counsellors, or of
so many of them as should, at the Time the said Instructions should
come to his Hands, be living; with the Addition of such others as
he should find necessary, in the Room of such of the said Counsellors
as should be then dead."
By the 3d, he (the late Governor) was required in " like Manner
to renew and fill up all the other Places and Offices in the said
Province, which had become vacant by the Death of the said late
Lord Proprietary, by reinstating the late Possessors thereof in their
respective Places and Offices; and if any such Officers should be
dead, by appointing other Persons to succeed to their Places; for
which Purpose, he (the late Governor) was to grant the usual
Immediately after the Receipt of the said Commission and In-
structions, the Gentlemen of the Council were qualified by taking
all the Oaths required by Law, repeating the Test, and subscribing
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 4