Acts. 317
the same shall remain under his Care and Management. And if any
Skipper as aforesaid, shall refuse or delay taking the Oath, or Affir-
mation if a Quaker, aforesaid, in Manner and Form aforesaid, such
Liber H. S.
No. I
Skipper for every Hogshead of Tobacco taken on board contrary to
the Intention of this Act, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty
Pounds Current Money, One Half thereof to the Informer, or him,
her, or them, that shall sue for the same; and the other Half to be
applied to the Use of the several and respective Counties, to defray
the Expences that may accrue in the due Execution of this Act: To
be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein
no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one Impar-
lance shall be allowed.
[Penalty of
20 l. on re-
fusing to
take the
And be it further Enacted, That every Master of a Ship, or Ves-
sel, wherein Tobacco shall be laden, shall, at the Time of Clearing,
deliver to the Naval Officer, Three fair Manifests of all the Tobacco
on board his Ship, or Vessel, expressing the Marks and Numbers of
every Hogshead, and the Tare and Nett Weight stamped thereon,
the Person by whom Shipped, and from what Warehouse, and shall
make Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, thereto, and that the same
is a just and true Account of the Marks, Numbers, Tare, and Nett
Weight of each respective Hogshead, as the same was taken down
by the Person or Persons appointed by him to take the same, before
the said Tobacco was stowed away. And no Ship or Vessel shall be
Cleared by the Naval Officer before he shall have received such
Lists and Manifests, one of which said Manifests shall, by the said
Naval Officer, be annexed to such Masters Certificate or Clearance,
to the End the same may be delivered to the Chief Officer of the
Customs in such Port or Place where the said Ship shall unlade; and
the other two of the said Manifests shall, by the said Naval Officer,
be transmetted to the said Chief Officer of the Customs by the two
next convenient Opportunities.
[Masters of
Ships to
lodge 3 fair
sworn to
with the
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Pub-
lic Warehouses for the Inspection of Tobacco, pursuant to this Act,
shall be kept at the several Places herein after mentioned: That is to
In the County of St. Mary's, At Chaptico, on the Land of Philip
Key, under one Inspection: On a Plantation where a certain Gilbert
Mackey lives, under one Inspection: At St. Innegoes, on the Land of
Stephen Milburn, under one Inspection: At Wiccocomico, on the
Land of John Llewellin, under one Inspection: At the Court-House,
on the Land of Abraham Barnes, under one Inspection: At Mr.
Cole's, on Cole's Creek, under one Inspection: At Town Creek, on
the Land belonging to Hugh Hopewell, under one Inspection.
p. 53
[In St.
In Kent County, At Chester-Town, under one Inspection: At
Abraham Falconar's, at the Head of Chester River, and at George-
Town, at Sassafras River, under one Inspection: At Worton Creek,