316 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 2-Nov. 17, 1753.
Liber H. S.
No. I
stamped by him or them as aforesaid, and in what Ships or Vessels
the same shall be laden or put on board: And shall also, with every
Sloop load, or Boat load of Tobacco, send a List of the Marks, Num-
bers, Gross, Nett Weight, and Tare, of every Hogshead of Tobacco
then delivered, to be given to the Master of the Ship or Vessel in
which the same shall be put on board. And if the Tobacco delivered
to the same Sloop or Boat, is intended to be put on board several
Ships or Vessels, then he or they shall deliver so many distinct and
several Lists as aforesaid, of the Hogsheads to be put on board such
Ship or Vessel respectively; which Lists every Master of a Ship or
Vessel is required to produce to, and lodge with the Naval Officer
of the District where the Ship or Vessel whereof he is Master shall
ride, or by whom he shall be Cleared, sometime before her Clearance.
But whereas it may happen that the Ship, in which such Tobacco was
intended to be put, may be so full as not to be capable of stowing all
the Tobacco contained in such List; in such Case it shall and may be
lawful to ship the said Tobacco, or any Part thereof, on board any
other Ship or Ships, where the Owner thereof shall think fit, the
Masters of such Ships indorsing, on the said Lists, the Marks and
Numbers of the respective Hogsheads by them taken on board, and
giving Notice to the Inspector or Inspectors of the Warehouse from
whence the same was brought: Or if there be no Ship to receive the
said Tobacco, then it shall and may be lawful for the Master of the
first mentioned Ship or Vessel, to put the said Tobacco in the near-
est Warehouse to the Place where such Ship shall ride, giving imme-
diate Notice thereof to the Inspector or Inspectors who stamped the
same. And the Inspector or Inspectors of that Warehouse where such
Tobacco shall be delivered, shall give a Receipt for the same, and shall
cause the said Tobacco to be safely lodged, and delivered to the
Order of the Owner thereof, whenever he or she shall think fit to
ship it off; and that without Fee or Reward.
of Flats, &c.
carrying To-
bacco, to be
[The Oath.]
And be it likewise Enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any
Skipper of any Flat, Sloop or other Vessel, after the last Day of
November, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Three, to take
any Tobacco from any Warehouse within this Province, in Order to
carry the same on board any Ship, or other Vessel, for Exportation,
before such Skipper shall make Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker,
before the Inspector or Inspectors of such House or Houses, (who
are hereby authorized and required to administer the same), That
p. 52
all such Tobacco which he shall, from Time to Time, take on board
such Flat, Sloop, or other Vessel, he the said Skipper will, with all
Opportunity of Wind and Weather, convey or cause to be conveyed
on board such Ship, or Vessel, to which it shall be directed by the
Owner or Owners thereof, to be loaden for Exportation; and that he
the said Skipper will not take, nor suffer to be taken by any Person
whatever, any Tobacco out of such Hogshead or Hogsheads whilst