Read the Second time the Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to
the Act Entituled an Act for the Relief of Creditors in England
against Bankrupts who have imported any Goods into this Province
not accounted for, and will pass with the following Amendments,
between the words, executed, and, shall, in 13 Line of the first Page
put the following words, or his or their Agent or Agents, Attorney
or Attorneys in fact or such other Person or Persons who shall Act
by Commission or direction from him or them after the Word,
Province, in the last line but one in the same Page insert the fol-
lowing words, so far forth as the Goods Chattels Effects Debts Lands
Tenements or Hereditaments shall come to the hands or Possession
of such Agent or Agents Attorney or Attorneys or other Person or
Persons Acting by Commission or direction as af .d — The Bill enti-
tuled an Act to enable the Justices of Frederick County for the
time being to levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said County a
Sum of Money for the uses therein mentioned, and will Pass Sent to
the Lower house by Col Tasker.
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act to disable Persons
Transported into this Province for being concerned in Rebellion
against the King from Voting for Delegates to Serve in assembly
and for other Purposes therein mentioned — and the Bill entituled
an Act for granting fees to the Several Justices of the County Courts
within this Province and will not pass Sent to the Lower house by
Samuel Chamberlain Esq.r
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock
p. 472
Saturday Morning 17 November 1753.
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday Except Richard Lee Esq.r
Ordered that the Clerk of this house Receive the same fees on all
private Bills passed this Session as are allowed by the Lower house
to their Clerk
A Message from the Lower house by Mess.rs Crabb & Hawkins
By the Lower house of Assembly 17 November 1753
May it Please your Honours.
In answer to your Honours Message of the 31.st of October by
M.r Chamberlain in Relation to the License Money and Fines aris-
ing from the Hawkers and Pedlers Bill and all other fines being the
undoubted Right of the Lord Proprietary, We can in no wise agree
November 17