By the Lower house of Assembly 5 May 1736.
May it Please your Honours
To avoid any further unnecessary Expence to the Country We are
content to allow your Honours as a Council of State from the laying
the last publick levy but cannot agree to allow anything heretofore
denied by our house, and if your honours agree to what we herein
propose desire that you'l lett the Claims of the Several Members be
sent us in order to be incerted in the Journal of Accounts
Signed p Order M Macnemara Ct. Lo H.
By the Upper house of Assembly 5 May 1736
Nothing can give this house greater Pleasure than an Endeavour
for and appearance of Harmony and good Agreement between the
two Houses in the Light We received your Message of this day by
Mess." Hooper and Ward which convinces us of your real Inten-
tions of Serving the Country without burthening it with large
charges by unnecessary disputes as on the other hand We have the
greatest Satisfaction in being assured that the Claims of the Coun-
cillors of State will not meet with any Opposition hereafter so on the
other hand We do Assure you Gentlemen of no less Joy on our part,
that We shall not Charge the Country with any Claims Since the
Time of laying the last publick levy to this Session
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up H.
By the Lower house of Assembly 5 May 1736.
May it please Your Honours
This Message Sent to your Honours from this house by Col Hooper
and CoT Ward could not possibly be more agreeable to you than
your answer to it, is to this house, and as the putting so Happy an
End to all disputes concerning the Councillors Allowance as pro-
posed in your last Message must contribute to keep up that Harmony
between the two houses which is so absolutely necessary to dispatch
the Public Business so it cannot but be very advantageous to the
People as it will certainly prevent the charge which would unavoid-
ably attend unnecessary disputes and therefore this house Concurs
with what your Honours, propose, and We now Send the Journals
desiring your Concurrence thereto.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.
Upon Consideration of which and the Solemn Assurance given by
the then Lower house in their Messages We hope you will not at
this time renew a debate on a point so Settled; but for the Ease of
the People & publick Creditors who must Otherwise be very great