Volume 49, Page 524 View pdf image (33K) |
524 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665. Liber F F of John Ward and now in the possession of John Morrice, More laid out One hundred acres more or lesse for John Slingsbey adjoyning upon the abouesaid Simkinsess land formerly in the posson of the abouesaid Nic° Gwyther and now in the possession of the abouesd George Newman, More laid out for Humphery Howell a parcell of land lying on the north side of Potomack Riuer and bounding on the north wth the land of Thomas Petite on the north wth the land of Thomas Mitchell on the west wth the said riuer on the East wth a line drawne south from the head of Conneys branch untill it inter sect a parralell drawne from the land of the abouesaid Petite Con tayning and now laid out for One hundred acres more or less and adjoyning to the abouesaid Petites land formerly in the possession of Jn° Gwy and now in the possession of Peter Carr, And being in all Three hundred acres more or lesse being taken up by Simkins Slings bey & Howell, Contã: by Estimacon and now laid out for three hun dred acres more or less now in the tenure or Occupaicon of him the said George Newman, All & singuler which said parcell of land to gether wth all and singuler the howses buildings structures or edifices whatsoeuer thereunto belonging or appertaining, Together wth all the Orchards, Gardens Pastures feedings Comons Comons of pas [p. 121] tures Rainges for hoggs woods Vnderwoods Waters Water Courses flshings furleings wayes Easemts proffitts Comodities and heredita ments wtsoeuer unto the said land belonging or in any manner of way appertaininge To haue & to hould the said parcell of land & all & singuler the prmisses aforemenconed or named to be hereby Bar gained and sould wth the Aptnances and euery part or parcell thereof whatsoeuer before named or recited, unto the said George Newman his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes for Euer yeilding and paying therefore yearely unto the Rigt Honble the Lord Proprie tary of this Prouince the Rents due for the said land att the feast of the Natiuity of Our Blessed Sauiour Jesus Christ, if the same be lawfully demanded And the said Nic° Gwyther for himselfe his heires Executors and Administrators, Doe Couenant Grant & agree To & Wth the said George Newman his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes shall and may peaceably and quietly haue hold occupy possess & enjoy all & singuler the prmisses before by these prsents bargained and sold & euery part and parcell thereof wth euery the Rights members and Aptñances wthout the lawfull Lett Sute Trouble Euixon Exquuon interruption or demand of or by the said Gwyther or of or by his heires Executors or Administrators or any or either of them or of or by any other prsofl or prsons lawfully Claiming from by or under them or any of them or theire or any of theire uses or by or from or undr theire or any of theire Title Estate meanes or pro curemt, as allsoe acquitted & discharged, or which in Conuenient time after reasonable request made, well & sufficiently saued and kept harmless of and from all and all manner of former and other Bar gaines sales Estates former leases Tytles Dowers Rights or Tytles |
Volume 49, Page 524 View pdf image (33K) |
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