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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663. 5 conteyned to the Contrary notwthstanding. Neuerthelesse for that Liber B B it is the expectaon & Reall Intent & true meaning of all the sayd parties to these prsents That the sayd John Nutthall shall send & aduenture goods & commodities from Virginia & Maryland both or one of them by Sea to London therewth to rayse and pay the sayd Twelue hundred pownds in manner & forme aforesayd, Hereuppon It is now expresly declared prouided & fully agreed uppon by and betweene all the sayd parties to these prsents for themselues their [p. 5] heyres Executors Admistrators and Assignes That if the sayd John Nutthall his heyres Executors Admistrators & Assignes shall really & bona fide yearely Lade or shipp sufficient goods & merchandizes for London, wherewth to pay the sd yearely payment of Three hun dred pownds from time to time And that by any Reall Casualty att Sea or otherwise the sayd goods shall bee lost, taken by Enimies or Pyrates, cast away or miscarry, wth god forbid And tht good & due proof e shall bee made thereof in London That then & in such Case or Cases noe forfeiture shall happen by such delay of payment soe occasioned, Soe allwayes that all the sume of Twelue hundred pownds and Interest att six pr cent pr Annü for what shall bee for borne longer then the tyme of payment bee fully payd before the end of flue yeares to bee accounted from the day of the date of these prsents All Casualities & excuses whatsoeuer then layd asyde Any thing aforesd to the contrary notwithstanding And the sayd John Nutthall for himselfe his heyres Executors Admistrators & Assignes doth Couenant promise graunt & agree to & wth the sayd Thomas Cornewalleys his heyres Executors Admistrators & Assignes & euery of them by these prsents That the sd John Nutthall his heyres Execu tors Admistrators or Assignes shall & will well and truly pay or cause to bee payd unto the sayd Thomas Cornewalleys his heyres Execu tors Admistrators or Assignes all the sd somme, of Twelue hundred pownds for & in full satisfaction of the sayd purchase by Three hun dred pownds yearely as aforesd or att the furthest wthin ffiue yeares next after the date hereof according to the tenor true intent & plaine meaning of these prsents, And for that the sayd John Nutthall in tendeth to pay the ffirst Three hundred pownds out of his owne proper present Estate, And the Remainder is by him his heyres or Assignes to bee raysed out of the mannors Lands Goods & premises aforementioned, Now It is declared and agreed uppon That after such payment made of the sayd first Three hundred pownds, It shall lawfull for the sd John Nutthall to sell parcell of the premises, as hee shall see good to rayse monies for payment of all or any part of the Remayning Nine hundred pownds, Prouided hee imploy the money soe raysed for such payment, and for noe other use, Which Sales the sd Thomas Cornewalleys & Penelope his wife doe by these presents ratify & confirme, & are to stand & Remaine in full force & effect. And Lastly it is prouided & agreed by and betweene the |
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