Volume 49, Page 350 View pdf image (33K) |
Henry Sewall Seal Jane Sewall Seal January the 5th 1664 Sealed & deliuered by the wthln named Jane Sewall in the prsence of Daniel Jenifer 27 3/m 64 Daniel Goodman the marke of Benjamin Bleakey Fran: Townneley 350 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. Liber B B Sewall and Dame Jane his wife or either of them theme or either of theire heires Executors Administratrs or Assignes shall and will uppon reasonable request in that behalfe to be made and at the Cost and Changes in the law of the said Samuell Groome his heires and Assignes make doe execute and performe or Cause And procure to be made done executed & prformed unto the said Samuell Groome his heires and Assignes all and euery such further and other lawfull and reasonable Act and Acts thinge and thinges deuice and deuices Conueyances & assurances in the Law whatsoeuer for the more per fect and better Granting Conueying and assureing the said Mannor & tract of land Consisting of ffiue thowsand acres according to the Suruey thereof as aforesaid howses and prmisses and euery part and parcell thereof unto the said Samuell Groome his heires and Assignes as by him or them or his or theme Councell learned in the law shall bee reasonably deuised or aduised and required and it is Couenanted Granted Concluded and agreed by & betweene the said pantyes to these prsents for themselues theire heires Executors and Assignes that all Grants Conueyances fines & other assurances of the said Mannor tract of land and prmisses heretofore had made leauyed and Conueyed and hereafter to be had made leauyed and Conueyed of the sd Mannor tract of.land and prmisses on any part thereof by and [p. 429] betweene the said Partyes to these prseflts or any of them or by or betweene them or any of them and any other person and persons whatsoeuer shall bee and enune and shall bee adjudged deemed Con- trued and taken to be and, inure to and for the onely proper use and behoofe of the said Sath: Groome his heires and Assignes and to and for noe other use intent or purpose whatsoeuer. In wittnes whereof the partyes aforesaid to these Indentures haue interchange ably sett theire handes and seales dated the day and yeanes first aboue written— Endorsed on the back side of the foregoeing Indenture thus— Sealed & deliuered by the wthin named Henry Sewall in the prseflce of Matth Paine Richard Angell Edward Phelps Thomas Tomlins Wm Bowers scrt Tho: Woodward his seruts Edw: Allen The aforesaid Conueyance by all partyes was agreed it should be entred on Record this Seauenth day of January 1664 mee Daniel Jenifer Clke 27 3/m 64 |
Volume 49, Page 350 View pdf image (33K) |
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