Volume 49, Page 279 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. 279 This Court Considering the Confirmacon thereof from undr the Liber B B Clarkes hand, Orders a nonsuite with Charges as followeth (uizt) tb tob: Nonsuite according to Act 150 Attorneys ffees at Caluert Court 6o 3 dayes attendance 90 Attorneys ffees upon the appeale 120 being double Cost j 5 dayes attendance 300 j Court adjourn'd till the afternoon All prsent as before Marmaduke Snow plt: the defendt by his Attorneyes Capt Josias Thomas Gerrard defenclt ffendall and Mr Tho: Nottley alleadgeth that they was not arrested to answere in Chancery but to the Prouin ciall Cort therefore desires Judgrnt of the Board whether they cann proceed to try all in Chancery upon that writt of scire facias which was upon the defendt serued—put this to the uote— Collonell Euans that it is a usuall writt according to law in Chan cery noe scire facias goeing out in Comon law The Major part of the Board of the same opinion Then Ordered [P.3471 that they answere here as in a Court of Equity— The deft by his Attorneys desires the plt: to proue that power by which he Calls Mr Gerrard to accompt for the said 1000lb sterling— and beinge matter of ifact desires a lury—The Chancellor being in Chancery Cheife Judge denys that there is any Jury in Chancery— They still urge for a proofe of the pits power the plt by his Attor ney Willm Caluert Esq saith that his power is sufficiently prou'd by hauing a suite allready Commenced by the same power and his deeds hauing been admitted as good euidence upon Record The Defendts Attorneys alleadgeth that the whole Cause was then absolutely dismist therefore now tis a new accon put to the note whether the euidence be good or not Cofl: Euans that though the Suite be dismist the cuidence is good against the next Suite—Mr Brook the same, the Chancellor the same Whereupon the Defendt neither by himselfe nor Attorneys shew ing no further Cause why Execuëon should not be seru'd upon the Estate of Mr Tho: Gerrard for that thowsand pounds sterling sued for by Marmaduke Snow Judgment of the Board is that Execucon issue for the said debt Brandon June the 14th 1664 Mr Gittings I formerly impowred Mr Henry Helyn to implead Rowland Haddway uppon a bill wherein he was Obleiged to pay me |
Volume 49, Page 279 View pdf image (33K) |
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