Volume 49, Page 246 View pdf image (33K) |
246 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. Liber B B Symond Carpenter plt:This Cause was last Prouinall Court Mary Bateman the Extrix of respited The defendt demands the uide 261 John Bateman defendtplaintiffs Attorney Mr Richard Collett his powers, which was produced but Could not proue it haueing but one wittnes prsent.. The deft Craues a nonsuite which was Granted those Charges following (uizt) To the honble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland The humble petcon of Thomas Manning Attorney of MrS Mary Bateman For these Charges agst Symond Carpenter— Coppy Ba:ffebruary Court 4 dayes attendance120 Attorneys ffees 6otb tob: July Court 4 dayes attendance 120 710 Attorneys ffees 6o Non Suite 350 Mary Bateman the Exetix The pltf sues as in her petcon in fo: 241 of John Bateman pltf the defendt by his Attorney Mr Richd Samuell Chew defent Collett alleadgeth that the said debt of Coppy One thowsand thirety flue pounds of tobb: is sattisfyed as by re ceipt to bee seen, which said receipt Could not be produc'd by the deft nor the payment thereof prou'd, Therefore Ordered that Judgmt pass upon the said specialty of Samuell Chewes for the said Sume of 1035lb tobaccoe— 310] John Sheppard plt The pltf sues as in his petition in fol: 231 by Thomas Bennitt deft his Attorney Daniel Jenifer The defendt de mands by what power hee sues. the plt produced his letter of Attor ney but his wittnesses not present. the pltf alleadeth that ther hath been an Order past allready, hee sueing then by the same power the defendt would not answere but to the same prson then impowred by the pltf who was Jno Samwayes. Therefore the Court thought good to dissmiss the Cause and the defendt to beare his owne Charge— Complaint being made to the Court by the Honble Philip Caluert Esq on the behalfe of Mr Thomas Ellison of Vergenia that one man Seruant of the said Ellisons by name James Courtney alias Order 341 Mudge being by hue and Cry apprehended was by Wm Bretton a pre tended Attorney of the said Ellisons sold to Capt Thomas Manning to the greate damage of the said Ellison— Ordered that Summons issue to warne the said Wm Bretton that hee make his prsonall appearance att the next Prouinall Court to make his defence herein, and to doe and receiue what by the Court shall bee Ordered therein— |
Volume 49, Page 246 View pdf image (33K) |
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