Volume 49, Page 245 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. 245 said Robert Stack into my Predecessors Custody (Richard Willan) Liber B B which if bee fayleth of prouing wee humbly Conceiue Our selues to bee noe wayes Obleiged to sattisfye the plaintiffes demand and then most humbly Craue an abatement of the writt an Order of Court for Cost and Charge of suite &c— The Court allowed the aboue menconed Indenture Sufficient proffe for the deliuery of the prisoner unto Rich: Willan But Considering the Orphans of the said Willan will bee the Sufferers if Judgmt should passe against the defendant It is Ordered that this Cause bee respited till the next Prouinciall Courte— The Court being informed that William Jackson is deceased and that hee hath left a two yeare old heifer to Robert Jones and the said Jones hauing been att the Charge of the burying the said Jackson, Therefore— Ordered that the said Jones pay the funerall Charges and take the said Heifer for his owne proper use wthout any letters of Adminis tracon issuing thereon— Peter Joy & Jno Mirth pits This Cause was respited last Prouinall [p. 309] Hugh Standley defendant J Court untill the Chancehlor of this Prou ince and Mr Henry Cowrsey bee prsent in Court who was then Judge in the Testamentary Causes. The Chancellor being now prsent in nide 252 Court, and the will of Daniel Goulson againe produc'd by the defendt, and alleadg'd by the defendt that it was not a prou'd will, the the deft produceth letters of Administracon which makes it a will prou'd— The defendt Craues a nonsuite, which was granted wth Cost and Charge as followeth (uizt) To the honble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland The humble petcon of Hugh Stanley for these Charges against Peter Joy & Jno Mirth The Court afore ffebb: Court 4 dayes attendance 120 Attorneys ffees 6o ffebb: Court 4 dayes att attendance 120 lb tob: Attorneyes ffees 6o 89o July Court 4 dayes attendance 120 Attorneyes ffees 6o Nonsuite 350 Summons in Court issued in ditto Causo for Richard Smyth ret this prsent Prouinciall Court |
Volume 49, Page 245 View pdf image (33K) |
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