Volume 49, Page 132 View pdf image (33K) |
132Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. Liber B B uppon Wicocomoco Riuer, & soe running up the sd Creeke & Runne thereof unto a Whyte Oake marked wth nine nottehes, & from the s4 oake uppon a due North East Lyne by marked Trees into the woods, untill the sd Lyne intersect a Run, called Mathopskin afs Merromp ton Run, Run bowndeth the Land of John Gouldsmith & from the sd Intersection of the North East Lyne downe Mathopskin ats Merrompton Run, unto a Creeke commonly knowne & called by the name of Gerards Creeke, & soe downe the sd Creeke wch deuideth the Land of Edward Turner, & the aforesd neck, unto the uttmost Poynt of the same uppon Wicocomoco Riuer, And from thence Bownded by the sd Riuer of Wicocomoco unto the furthermost Poynt of Land att the mouth of Bramley Creeke first aboue men toned Contayning by Estimaon ffiue hundd Acres, bee the same more or lesse, Wth all itts Rights, Members, Jurisdictions, & appurtences together wth all howses, edifices, & buildings thereon Erected, feed ings, pastures, woods, underwoods, wayes, Easements, profitts & Cothodities whatsoeur, together wth ffree Liberty of hawking, hunt ing, fishing & fowling in & uppon the sd Land, & in and uppon the aforesd mannor, as Likewise ffree ingresse egresse & regresse into the fforrest for Cattle, hoggs, sheepe, horses, or for any other stock whatsoeur unto the sd Thomas Nottley, & unto his heyres belonging in & to the sd mannor aforesd, to haue hold & enioy to him & his heyres for euer, as allso priuiledge for falling of any Timber usefull or necessary for building or fencing in & uppon the aforesd bargayned parcell of Land uppon the sd mannor being in fforrest & not infenced, all wch sd parcell of Land, Lying scituate & being as aforesd wth all itts rights members jurisdictions & appurtences wth all howses, buildings, Edifices thereon erected, ffeedings, pastures, woods, under- woods, Easements, wayes, profitts & comodities whatsoeur together wth free liberty of hawking hunting fishing fowling ingresse Egresse, regresse falling of Timber, And aliso all the Estate, right, tytle, inter est, use possesn property, Clayme & demand whatsoeur of him the sd [p. 180] Thomas Gerrard of in or to the same, To haue & to hold the sd Land & all & singular other the prmises hereby graunted bargayned & sold or mentioned to bee herein or hereby graunted bargayned or sold, their & euery of their rights members and appurteflces wtsoeur unto the sd Thomas Nottley his heyres & assignes to the only proper use & behoofe of the sd Thomas Nottley his heyres & assignes for euer, And the sd Thomas Gerard for himselfe & his heyres Executors & Admistrrs the sd Parcell of Land & all & singular other the prmises before graunted, bargayned & sold wth the appurtefices unto the sd Thomas Nottley & his heyres to the only proper use & behoofe of the sd Thomas Nottley his heyres & assignes foreuer against him the sd Thomas Gerard his heyres & assignes, & all & euery other prson & prsons whatsoeur lawfully clayming by from or under him, them or any of them, & agst all other prson or prsons whatsoeur att all times |
Volume 49, Page 132 View pdf image (33K) |
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