86 Journal and Correspondence.
February 25
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 228
Monday 25 February 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to George Feighter
twelve pounds, ten shillings — George Walls fifteen pounds — Caleb
Davis fourteen pounds five shillings and Cornelius Davis nine pounds
of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit
&ca due them per Accounts passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr William Kilty twenty five
pounds for the use of Lt John Kilty of 3d Regt Light Dragoons in
lieu of a suit of Cloaths & four Shirts for the use 1781. and also to
Wm Kilty surgeon of the 4th Regt & Lieut John Kilty, each, thirty
pounds of the same Emission in lieu of a Suit of Cloaths & four
Shirts for the present Year on Account
p. 229
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut Isaac
Hanson fifteen pounds, one shilling for Stores to the 1st March next
and the further sum of thirty pounds of the Bills emitted under the
Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca in lieu of a Suit of
Cloaths and four Shirts for the present Year on Account
It appears by an Order on the Commissary of Stores of the 23d
of July last in favor of Lieut John Kilty of Baylor s Regiment for one
Suit of Cloaths and two shirts, that no part thereof has been com-
plied with it is returned
February 25
Liber No. 78
p. 329
[Council to Doctr Ephraim Howard.]
We have received yours of this Day, requesting the Balance due
you for Articles supplied, to be sent. Before we can furnish you with
any more Money, your Account must be setled with the Auditor.
[Council to Captn James Belt.]
Information has been given the Board, that you have been en-
deavouring to entice the Soldiers of this State in the Continental
Service, to desert and to serve on Board your Vessel. We mean to
p. 330
take up the Matter tomorrow Forenoon, and request you will attend
between 11 and 12 o'Clock, that you may be present at the Exami-
nation of the Person who has given the Information. We are also
informed that several Soldiers have deserted lately, we shall be much
obliged to you to make strict Enquiry on Board your Vessel and, if
any are on Board, to have them delivered up to General Smallwood.
February 26
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 229
Tuesday 26th February 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Allen Campbell,
nine pounds, eight shillings and four pence of the Bills emitted under
the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca due him per Account