February 22
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 227
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Elihu Hall of the 1st Regi-
ment nine pounds, five shillings and two pence per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Thomas Brogden Hugo of
the first and Lieut Samuel Hanson of the 5th Regiment, each, thirty
pounds agreeable to a Resolution of this Board of the 22d July last
and thirty pounds of the same Emission in lieu of a suit of Cloaths
and four shirts for the present Year on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn two hundred and
seventy one pounds, thirteen shillings and five pence — Capt Joseph
Marbury of the 3d Regiment thirty two pounds, five shillings and
nine pence — and Ezekiel Towson Two hundred and five pounds
specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State
per Accounts passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Joseph Marbury thirty pounds
of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit
&ca agreeable to a Resolution of the Board the 22d July last also to
Lieut John Chever and Lieut Nicholas Ricketts of Artillery, each,
thirty pounds of the same Emission in lieu of a Suit of Cloaths &
four shirts for the present Year and to Capt William Bruce twenty
five pounds sixteen shillings of the same Emission for Stores to the
1st of January on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Daniel of St Thomas Jenifer Esqr
eight hundred and sixty three pounds, seventeen shillings and three
pence — James Brice eighty five pounds, eight shillings and four
pence. — Allen Quynn two hundred and seventy one pounds, thirteen
shillings and four pence and Capt Joseph Marbury thirty two pounds,
five shillings and nine pence of the same Emission due on Certificates
issued agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State. —
The Intendant is requested to direct a suit of Cloaths of Cloth
sufficient to make the same to each of Serjeants Carter and Morgan
of the Maryland Artillery for the year 1781. —
p. 228
General Smallwood by Letter of the 20th Instant having repre-
sented that Lieutenants John Lavascher de Vanbun, John Jacques
Baguess and John Chever are Foreigners without pay or other means
of support and that their Distresses merit the attention of the Board
and require an advance of fifty pounds of the last Emission of this
State. Resolved on Consideration of the above Circumstances that
the sum of fifty pounds of the money aforesaid be advanced to each
of the said Officers
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieuts John
Chever, John le Vascher de Vanbun and John Jacques Baguess of the
Artillery fifty pounds of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emis-
sion of Bills of Credit &ca agreeable to the above Resolution on