62 Journal and Correspondence.
January 30
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 214
That the said Treasurer pay to John Bullen Esqr ninety three
pounds of the same Emission to be delivered over to Doctr Upton
Scott due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl —
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Daniel Bryan, one hundred
and forty four pounds, three shillings of the same Emission due him-
self and hands of the State Boat plater p Accts passed by the Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt David Lynn twelve pounds,
eighteen shillings of the same Emission for Stores to the first of
February on Account. —
That the Commissary of Purchases for Baltimore County deliver
to George p. Keeports two hundred Barrels of flour on Account
That Doctr James Murray be requested to deliver to Capt David
Lynn two pounds of Jesuite Bark out of the State Shop for the use
of Lieut John Lynn wounded at the Eutaw Springs So Carolina. —
January 30
Liber No. 78
p. 321
[Council to Thomas Sellers Esqr Navl Off 4th District]
Captain Nicholas Martin brought, in the Brig Nesbit 5000 Mexi-
can Dollars for the State, which were lodged in the Hands of Mr
Stephen Steward for safe Keeping. This Money is appropriated by
Law, to the Recruiting Service, and cannot be applied to any other
Purpose: Mr Steward most illegally detains it, under the Pretence
the State is indebted to him, and that he will place it to their Credit.
We have wrote to him and insisted on his delivering it immediately '
to our Order, and warned him of the Consequences of his Refusal ;
one of which is, not to permit the Nesbit to clear out, nor any other
Vessel, in which he is concerned. We therefore request and enjoin
you, not to suffer the Brig Nesbit to clear out, nor any other Vessel
in which Mr Steward is concerned, until our further Order is com-
municated to you
p. 322
[Council to Colo Samuel Smith.]
We enclose you an open Letter for Mr Stephen Steward, which,
when you have read, you will be pleased to seal and deliver to him
yourself, and demand in the Name of the State, the 5000 Mexican
Dollars brought in by Capt. Martin, which he so illegally detains.
Should he be imprudent enough to persist in his unwarrantable Con-
duct, and refuse to deliver it, we hereby empower and request you
to seize the same wherever it can be found, and to search any Place,
in which you have Reason to believe it is lodged or concealed, and to
summon and call to your Aid, any Number of Persons you may deem
necessary to execute this Order. You will perceive, by our Letter to
Mr Steward, that we wish not to be forced into rigorous Measures,
and it will give us much Pleasure, if you can accomplish the Business
without. If, however, you find this impracticable, you will be pleased