Hawkins, Ensign, 155; Henry,
182, 283; George Frazier, 49,
163, 179-
Hawky, Nicholas, 30.
Hawn, Andrew,' 153; George,
Haycock, Solomon, 10, 169.
Haynie, Ezekiel, 43, 44.
Hays, Abraham, 319, 427; Rich-
ard 10, 158; Thomas, 10.
Hayward, Jacob, n, 112.
Hazard, Ebenezer, 250.
Hazen, Col., 289; Gen., 67.
Hazen's Regiment, 67, 289.
Hazle, Caleb, 288; Edward, n,
101; Jeremiah, 10, 101.
Head, William, 141.
Head of Elk (Elkton), 2, 35, 56,
90, IIO, 112, 183, 199, 201, 206,
207, 272, 273, 287, 292, 293,
299, 300, 301, 306, 316, 319,
327, 336, 353, 390, 398, 404,
415, 419, 420, 433-
Hebb, Caleb, 206; Jesse, 195,
203, 205; Thomas, 205; Ver-
non, 44, 325, SOI.
Heck, Balser, 457, 458; Daniel,
Heckethorn, Martin, 139.
Heighe, James, 39, 121, 223 290,
342, 502.
Heirs, Nicholas Mansells, 323.
Hegey, Alexander, 311.
Hellen, William, 302.
Hemsley, —— , 383; William,
Hemsley & Kmnard, 373.
Henderson, David, 42; Richard,
44, 235, 325, 503; Richard,
Jr., 294; William, 271.
Hendricks, Col., 49.
Hennigar, Jacob, 519.
Henninger, George, 432.
Henry, Col., 105; Elias, 31 ;
John, 182, 416; Samuel, 468;
William, 45, 340.
Hepburn, Samuel, 44, 163, 323,
Herbert (Harbert), Jeremiah,
10, 98; William, 112.
Herring, Daniel, 8, 311.
Herring Bay, 387, 388.
Herrua, De Carrera, 309.
Hibernia, see Vessels.
Hickinbotham (Hichinbotem),
James, n, 129.
Hickler, Nicholas, 97.
Hickman, Joshua, n, 113.
Hicks, Isaac, 498.
Hides, 6, 8, 33.
Higdon, John B., 454; Joseph,
Higgins, Richard, 186.
Hiland, John, 383.
Hill, Lieut., 48; Clement, 414;
Henry, 540; John, 208;
Thomas, n, 15, 150; see also
Lamar, Hill, Bisset & Co.
Hilleary, Capt., 72, 382; Ralph,
Hilleary's Company of Militia,
72, 382.
Hindman, Ann, 320; James, 115,
224; William, 162, 179, 181,
Hiner, Conrod, 141.
Hinks, Thomas, 13.
Hinninger, Ulrick, 432.
Hisely, Nicholas, 324.
Hobart, Moses, 149.
Hobbs, Noah, 187; William, 69.
Hockey, Nicholas, 424.
Hodges, James, 245; Stephen,
Hodgkin, Thomas Brooke
(Brooks), 26, 75, 140, 160,
277, 5iS, 525.
Hodgkiss, Edward, 269.
Hodson, George, 10; Hooper,
Hoggins, John, 181.
Hogins (Hogin), Jeremiah, 38,
Hogs, 372.
Hoke, Andrew, 549.
Holand, Abraham, 169.
Holder, Mary, 217; Richard. 17.
Holdston, Ann, 308, 350, 370,
441; Nancy, 268, 326.
Holland, Benjamin, 282; Fran-
cis, 471, 473; Isaac, 405;
John, 417, 419; Nehemiah, 46,
282, 318, 383, 488, 504-
Holland & Co., Michael, 120.
Holliday, Clement, 35; J. R.,
Hollingsworth, Col., 239; Eliz-
abeth, 152; Henry, I, 8, 18,
26, 37, no, 115, 118, 180, 181,
186, 194, 213, 214, 274, 299;
Jesse, 441.
Hollsman, Henry, 7.
Hollyday, Clement, 219, 221; L.,
272; Leonard, 436.
Holmes, James, 468; John, 46,
342, 502.
Holster, John, 404.
Holston, —— , 154; Anne, 295,
435, 457-
Holt, John, 10, 122.
Holtsman, Henry, 5, 172.
Holtz, Tacob, 252.
Hooe, Col., 151.
Hook, James, 471.
Hooper, Gen., 142; Abraham,
Ii, 161; Henry, 142, 156, 302;
John, 27, 194; Samuel, 156;
William, 182; William En-
nalls, 142.
Hooper's detachment, 194.
Hooper's Straits (Straights),
Hoover, Christian, 323.
Hope, Elizabeth, 547; Thomas,
Hopewell, Thomas, 366; Wil-
liam, 46, 189.
Hopkins, Mrs., 285; Basil, 208 ;
Charles, 465, 467; Elisha,
522; Gerrard, 28, 467; John,
467; Samuel, 282, 467; Wil-
liam, 453, 465, 466, 467; Wil-
liam, Jr., 465, 466, 467, 468.
Hopkins & Company, Daniel, 7,
Hopper, William, 179.
Hopwood, Edward, 201.
Horn, George, 10.
Horner, Charles, 109; Richard,
Horse certificates, 165, 434.
Horse racing, 465.
Horse troops, see Dragoon
horses; Maryland Regiments.
Horses, 4, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 32,
33, 7i, 73, 77, 81, 82, 155, 183,
187, 208, 209, 245, 256, 257,
264, 266, 270, 301, 308, 364,
366, 382, 415-
Horsey, Isaac, 184, 491; John,
4; Outerbridge, 491; Revill,
493; Smith, 420; William,
Horshman, Andrew, 350.
Hoskinson, Ninnie, 139.
Hospitals, 6, 103, 121, 125, 182,
195, 226, 233, 263, 300, 343,
346, 390, 417, 437, 440, 441,
445, 449, 459, 473, 476, 493,
499; department of, 41, 58;
supplies, 181, 226, 265, 296,
333, 346, 431, 442.
Hought, William, 201.
House of Delegates, clerks, 398,
House rent, 160, 324.
Houston, William, 117, 190.
Hoverton, John, 404.
Howard, Col., 298; Benjamin,
56; Ephraim, 61, 86; Igna-
tius, 106; John, 164, 402;
John Beale, 44; Joseph, Sr.,
379; Joseph, Jr., 427, 47' !
Joshua, 61; Lemuel, 295 ;
Mary, 93, 233, 463; Mrs.
Mary, 531; Samuel Harvey,
55, 61, 294; Thomas, 214;
Thomas Gassaway, 30.
Howard's Company, 55, 61.
Howe, Gen., ix, 292.
Hower, Nicholas, 458.
Hubae, Lewis, 198.
Hubbard, Joseph, 174.
Hubberd, Job, 10, 158.
Hudson, Dennis, 281; George,
117; Hooper, 177; John, 398;
Jonathan, 93, 170, 284, 352;
Moses, 281. _
Hughes, Benjamin, 319, 427;
Daniel, 310; Elijah, 319, 427;
Hezekiah, 151; James, 319,
427; John, 427; Samuel, 45,
308, 331, 504; Sarah, 319, 427;
William, n, 129.
Hughfield, Jeremiah, 454.
Hughlett (Hughlet), Thomas,
27, 177, 223, 341, 487, 503.
Hugo, Thomas B., 47; Thomas
Brogden, 84.
Hull, Nathan, 12.