Furloughs, for soldiers of
United States, 342.
Furne, Charles, 229.
Furniture, household, 245, 253.
Furry, Rachel, 8o, 128.
Gaither, Capt., 403; Amos, 67;
Edward, 40, 96, in, 165, 193,
311; Edward, Jr., 30, 289;
Henry, 46, 140, 285, 344;
Rezin, 191.
Gaither's Company, 289.
Galbraith, William, 406.
Gale, John, 205.
Galley, see Vessels.
Gallian, Nathan, 469.
Galloway, Benjamin, 323, 506;
William, 42.
Gambrill, Abram, 108.
Gaming, 286.
Gantt (Gannt, Ganntt), Eras-
mus, 70; F., 237; Fielder, 344;
Levi, 89, 371; Thomas, Jr.,
44, 344, 503.
Gaols, see Jails.
Gardiner (Gardner), Charles,
46, 141, 298; John, 81, 214;
Michael, 175; Peter, 175;
Richard, 202; Thomas, 214.
Gardiner's Company, 81, 298.
Garey, Samuel, 15.
Garner, Abel, 10, 221.
Garnett (Garnet), Benjamin,
17, 115, 416.
Garretson, Cornelius, 178; Job,
42, 61.
Garrett, Barker, 228.
Garrison duty, 291.
Garrison towns, 180.
Garston, George, 250.
Garth, James, 29.
Carver, John, 123.
Gassaway, Brice, 265; Henry,
68, 91, 109, 151, 221, 433, 523;
John, 10, 19, 91, 224; Nicho-
las, 290; Robert, 492;
Thomas, 66, 192, 219, 225, 257,
301, 354, 4", 420, 452, 455,
462, 492.
Gassaway's Company of Mili-
tia, 265.
Gates, Gen., 451.
Gatton, Azariah, 18, 187.
Gaunt, Fielder, 45.
Gaver, Daniel, 139.
Gay, Nicholas Ruxton, 497.
Geary, Samuel, 10.
Geddis, Capt., 374; Henry, 372,
385, 386.
Cember, Jacob, 252.
General Assembly, xi, 22, 26, 43,
48, 120, 338, 390, 519, 520;
clerks, 517.
General Court, x, 112, 525, 526,
536, 537; clerk, 277, 525;
judges, 162, 208, 299, 418,
463, 465, 476, 477, 508, 509,
523, 526, 547, ssoff; Western
Shore, 277.
General O Reiley, see Vessels.
Gentle, Stephen, 113.
George III, 509.
George, Col., 3; John, 549;
Joshua, 20, 264; Sidney, 46,
Georgetown ( Prince George's
Co.), 14, 247, 249, 282, 342,
382, 448; warehouses, 405.
Georgia, 510.
German paymasters, 181.
German regiments, 102, 112, 289.
Germantown, 77.
Germany, 211.
Gerock, Samuel, 180, 214.
Getzentower, Adam, 34, 53.
Ghiselin, Mary, 490; Reverdy,
Gibbons (Gibbins), Thomas,
251; William Thomas, 202.
Gibson, Jeremiah, 203; John,
192; John, Sr., 295; John, III,
295; Jonathan, 98, 379;
Joshua, 203; Thomas, 181 ;
William, 210, 319; Woolman,
46, 93; Woolman, Jr., 141.
Gilchrist, Robert, 79.
Giles, Aquila, 98, 1 68, 169, 486;
Edward, ix, 98, 352, 379;
James, 486; Thomas, 486.
Gill, John, Jr., 431.
Gillis (Gilliss), Ezekiel, 456;
John, 489; Joseph, 419; Wil-
liam, 419, 489.
Gillon, Commodore, 178.
Gillum, Thomas, 18, too.
Gilpin, Benjamin, 17, 104; Jo-
seph, 46, 308, 341, 418; Sam-
uel, no, 115.
Gimat, Col., 18.
Gimat's Regiment, 18.
Gingle, John, 349.
Ginn, Sergt., 15.
Gist, Col., 346; Gen., 149; John,
130; Joseph, 5; Nathaniel,
130; Thomas, 150.
Gist's Regiment, 130, 345.
Gittings, William, 197.
Glasgow (Scotland), 442; mer-
chants, 296.
Glasgow (Glascow), Ann, 456;
Patrick, 282; William, n,
Glenn, Samuel, 46, 341.
Glisten, John, 139.
Goble, George, 121.
Goff, John, 165; John Sparks,
Colder, —— , 218; Archibald,
54, 94, 217, 218, 234, 256, 259,
Goldsborough, Howes, 404 ;
Robert, 3, 4, 175, 176, 180;
Robert, Jr., 508, 509, 522;
William, 46, 141, 286, 290.
Goldsbury, Stephen, 505.
Goldsmith, John, 214; William,
52, 56, 435-
Colman, Henry, 109.
Good, —— , 6; William, 331,
Goodwin, Lyde, 502, 530, 531;
William, 541.
Goosetree, Absolam, 104.
Gordon, James, 232; John, 42,
171, iQ3, 4f>4; Joseph, 239;
Mary, 67; William, 92.
Gorman, Abraham, 149, 197.
Gorsuch, Nicholas, 349.
Gough, Baptist, n, 102;
Charles, n, 101; Henry Dor-
sey, 23, 75, 148.
Gover, Mrs. Frances, in; Rob-
ert, 466; Samuel, 465, 466.
Government, form of, 409;
wants and demands of, 408.
Government debts, 242.
Government officers, 355.
Governor (of Maryland), 26,
39, 40, 41, 79, "3, 202, 320,
323, 324, 329, 331, 336, 338,
34i, 350, 351, 353, 372, 375,
379, 38o, 383, 384, 389, 395,
396, 398, 400, 403, 404, 405,
411, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423,
424, 425, 427, 429, 435, 449,
458, 459, 464, 488; address to
Rochambeau, 23 if.; election
of, xi, i, 305, 483; notification
to citizens of election, 307;
power to grant pardons, etc.,
423; salary, 65, 90, 176, 254,
300, 435-
Grace, Abell, 298.
Grahame, Mrs., 49, 164, 181,
418; Mrs. Arsenath, 418;
George, 239; John, III, 342,
502; Richard, 264; William,
Grammer, Frederick, 493.
Grand Bank (Newfoundland),
Grand jury, 236.
Grangel, Andrew, 519.
Grant, Thomas, n, 348.
Grants and Certificates of Lands,
484, 506; see also Land.
Grape shot for cannon, 151.
Grason, Capt., 161; Commodore,
97, loo, 109, in, 116, 130,
131, 132, 148, 151, 166, 507;
George, 143, 188, 207, 292,
507; Richard, 143, 207;
Thomas, 35, 60, 64, 97, 115,
143, 162.
Grason's barge, 162.
Grass, Henry, 124.
Graves, Richard, 45, 49, 340,
Gray, Capt., 47; Adam, 170,
414; Hellen, 230, 459; Jacob,
152; James, in; John, 288;
John (of Joshua), 288;
Philip, 117; Samuel, 77;
Thomas, 166, 167, 168, 223,
200; Vincent, 96; William,
Graybill, John, 124.